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game play needs more stuff

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:02 AM (3 replies)
  • hardcase1
    7 Posts
    Sat, Feb 2 2013 9:45 PM

    i have been playing here for a long time i enjoy playing my problem is that i started playing tiger woods golf on line and if you have played it on x-box you know what im talking about example starter wood ,drives 255 yrds here its 230 yrds if your lucky . now i know there are going to be peaple that are going to say this isant tiger woods golf or this games to hard for you but to them i say it dosent have to be tiger woods golf but it could be more like it the peaple who put this game together are very talented there must be some way to make this game better more courses you dont have to go photograph the courses you can make them at the studio i mean comon they make fake money so good its realy hard to tell if its fake ! someone there must be able to make golf courses on a computer ! make up courses who cares as long as it looks real ! use your imagination make up courses i will play on them so would every one else come on w.g.t. im rooting for you ! thanks hardcase1

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 1:55 AM

    There is a new course on it's way in a couple of months. :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 6:13 PM

    Yet another rambling incomprehensible post! This time you have suggested WGT need more courses, and on this, like most, I agree - but real courses please.

    But wait - you may be onto something. By animation we can have crowds roaring (or heckling) birds chirping, fluffy white rabbits lurking around the greens, the skies the limit on the possibilities. Have our avartars punching the air when we sink a putt or even dive into the swamp to retrieve a ball only to be chased by a gator (or even get eaten by one) or race off in your Golf Cart with screeching wheel sounds. Have I used enough imagination? But best of all all shots are automatically hit for you, the skill in this new game is driving your buggy around the course. Lets play cartoon golf folks - lets hope WGT take a new cartoon direction NOT

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:02 AM

    WGT take a new cartoon direction