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Single play weekly tourneys

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Wed, Feb 6 2013 6:12 PM (7 replies)
  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 9:57 AM

    I think it would be nice, interesting, different, to have the single play tournaments be held on Whistler and Cabo. I know they were last month a couple times, but as someone who basically refuses to play a course that leeches credits before a single swing is taken, it's nice to have the opportunity to play them now and then. Just saying.

    Now all of you wanting to chime in saying "it's been reduced once already", "it's still fun", "play the RG's" etc, let me also say this. IMO, this game is already way over priced and charging greens fees is ridiculous on top of silly. But I think people who pay these greens fees are the silly ones...just like me for paying 500 credits for virtual balls. And as far as RG's are concerned, i just struggle to find pleasure in playing single player rounds. It's boring and I see very little sense in playing a game to amass a fortune in credits you'll never be able to really spend.

    Would be nice to have an Andrew Carnegie of WGT. Someone with 100,000+ credits sending premium balls to everyone until their credits run out. or buying a top driver or putter for people en I still doubt the influx of credits as well as the subsequent lack of spending by the recipients would cause the WGT national bank to even take notice.

    Now, get back in line lemmings...ffs, what are you thinking

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 10:41 AM


  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 10:44 PM

    i just struggle to find pleasure in playing single player rounds. It's boring

    That's a very puzzling statement coming from somebody who played the Week 2 Unlimited 9 at BPB 24 times in one day.

  • Timbo1984
    818 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 11:04 PM


    i just struggle to find pleasure in playing single player rounds. It's boring

    That's a very puzzling statement coming from somebody who played the Week 2 Unlimited 9 at BPB 24 times in one day.

    Perhaps that's why he's now bored of it? lol

    Although...I must admit, I don't get the same amount of enjoyment out of the Trugolf courses as I do with the WGT. They are worlds apart in the quality of the design.

  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2013 4:54 AM

    Yes, I played that course ALOT as I was close to getting my avg below 60 and that was an easy way to do it. I also forfeited a few that were not up to par. Whatever. There isn't a sub-60 avg player in this game that hasn't done it many times (just look at how many good players are at the bottom of the leaderboard with a WD next to their name), or played ready go's from the red tees in moderate winds to accomplish the same, but that's not relevant to this thread. Check the rest of my profile and you won't see ANY rounds recorded for almost 2 months as I simply took a long break. Tour legend was a goal that was close enough to spark a motivation, so I went for it. 

    Regarding the quality of the trugolf courses, I agree, the quality of graphic detail just isn't the same, but it's not about the quality of image either. I think it's a good opportunity to get more play on these courses for many that otherwise wouldn't play them is all.

  • RogerSpacey
    93 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 4:58 PM

    Although...I must admit, I don't get the same amount of enjoyment out of the Trugolf courses as I do with the WGT. They are worlds apart in the quality of the design.

    Well said! I really hope this isn't a trend for new courses. I'm anxious for new challenges but if it comes wrapped in a "Trugolf" package, no thanks. Just IMHO.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 5:29 PM

    I like the Trugolf courses. Sure they're not pretty to look at but who cares. They still play the same as the HD courses. If Wgt releasing more trugolf courses were to happen then i'd say thanks very much. Something is better than nothing.

    As far as putting them in the free weekly tournaments goes, it does happen quite often. All the courses are in some kind of rotation so they all get a go in the weekly tourneys. Although i can't ever remember the Best of courses being in the free weeklies, so i'd like to see those in there.


  • JackTaylor
    225 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 6:12 PM

    The only time I play these course is when they are part of a weekly tourny. I know I wont win but it is fun to play them when given the chance.