Joshnosh: using a ruler to measure in millimeters how far to aim.
Will only work for that exact hole from the exact same view. Earlier someone posted about using the flagstick as a yardstick, that will work I guess. Also, you must know that the amount of backspin and which clubs you are using also affect the wind directional efffect.
I personally just make informed guesses on the amount to allow for lateral movement from the wind, sometimes I get it right and sometimes WGT comes up with some real special effects wind wise......
Also, you need to keep notes on certain holes - watch out for holes that are close to bodies of water - WGT wind tends to blow more forcefully if wind is coming "off the water" - holes like St Georges #3, #5, #6 - Kiawah #17, St Andys #7,8 immediately come to mind.