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I seriously doubt that it will matter

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 7 2013 12:52 PM (44 replies)
  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:03 AM

    Not at all!!!  I said "most likely", I do not know you nor have I looked at your profile and I was not thinking specifically of you when I wrote it.  There are exceptions to every rule and in MOST cases, the ones that do deny the existence of it most are cheating.  If I was to accuse someone I would accuse them straight out!  And I apologize if I gave you the impression that I was accusing you.

  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:15 AM

    GlassMan27 - That's what I don't understand either, I guess some people will just try to show that they can get a better score or whatever than everyone else. The ones that do it is just showing everyone else, not that they cannot get a better score, rather they show everyone else that they are not smart enough or capable enough to be able to do anything on their own.  ie:  a poor excuse for a human being, because what they would do on here, they would do a LOT worse in real life when real things are at stake.  They do not have any real friends because any "friends" they might have in real life, they would cheat them in a heartbeat as well.

  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:22 AM

    2DAMFLASHY - I agree 100% with you, however, I am very upset at you.  It only took you about 1,000 rounds to begin to understand the game???  I've played at least that many and I still aren't understanding it.  LOL

    I had posted somewhere on here earlier that the reason that I posted this post was because of all the complainers. If WGT was to do my suggestion (if they are able to) then the compainers would have to find something else to complain about because they would not be able to complain about others cheating as easily.


    Rock on!!!

  • BubbaGump10000
    2 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 12:52 PM

    I don,t care if people cheat ,If that,s what it takes for them to feel like their a winner than than fly at it.What I don,t understand is how does someone like example DAGUNTAI who is level 80 shoots an average of 58 and is still only a Master maybe WGT is the cheat itself.How are the 99.9% of Master averages in the 60s suppose to win any Tourneys.It makes me come to think why I even bother with Tournaments


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 3:13 PM

    Why all the fuss about a post from a novice?