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Where is my silver holed approach shot award?

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Wed, Feb 6 2013 11:13 AM (12 replies)
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  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:27 AM

    On the 18th hole at Kiawah Island, I just holed a 152 yard approach shot, which also resulted in an eagle (see the video on my profile) it was in stroke play mode which is what the award is for, so why haven't I got the award?

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:36 AM

    The awards have been funky lately. Seems as though they get worse with every update. Either way, nice shot!

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:38 AM

    Thank mate. I also had a similar problem earlier today when I got 9 birdies in one round, but I didn't get the gold award.

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:44 AM

    Sounds like it wasnt a ranked round, it needs to be.


    EDIT : or could just be another bug in the system.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:50 AM


    On the 18th hole at Kiawah Island, I just holed a 152 yard approach shot, which also resulted in an eagle (see the video on my profile) it was in stroke play mode which is what the award is for, so why haven't I got the award?

    2nd Quote as well:

    Thank mate. I also had a similar problem earlier today when I got 9 birdies in one round, but I didn't get the gold award.


    Well 1st off all I can say is "WOW" what a way to come back. You have not played a single thing since last year. Suddenly find the game and hit a shot like that. Not to mention your claim of hitting 9 birdies in a row. Must have been one hell of a round as hitting 9 birdies in a row with a 77 (Meaning you were hitting a 85 if not for the birds) makes the round ever so much more amazing.

    You definatly would deserve the medal but really weird how there is no mention of the eagle in history as well. Hope they look into this as the account history will show your eagles as well for ranked, which in this case it does not.

    Are you sure it was not practice?? if not send in a email to WGT to report the problem.

    Nice shot BTW!




  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:50 AM

    It says on the award, longest holed approach shot in stroke play mode. I thought the award was for match play mode at first, but it definitely is for a stroke play round.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:53 AM


    It says on the award, longest holed approach shot in stroke play mode. I thought the award was for match play mode at first, but it definitely is for a stroke play round.


    You mention in your 2nd post that a earlier round you had 9 birdies in a row, yet your history only shows one ranked game played today. Are you sure its was not in practice mode? Its the only reasonable explenation?

    Otherwise a real problem, lol. I love the awards is fun and would so tee me off if this happened to me!


  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 9:57 AM

    I have only played one ranked round today. I didn't know you don't get the awards in practice mode. I have made several long putts, hit 9 birdies in a round and made two eagles, none of which is mentioned in my score history for some reason.

  • darrenpaulLMB
    180 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 10:01 AM

    There is no mention that to get the awards you must be playing a ranked round, most of them just specify a stroke play round.

  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2013 10:03 AM


    I have only played one ranked round today. I didn't know you don't get the awards in practice mode. I have made several long putts, hit 9 birdies in a round and made two eagles, none of which is mentioned in my score history for some reason.


    Ok, now i see the problem, yep the awards you are talking about can only be given in a Ranked Round! The practice rounds do not count for the awards, which is why unless practicing approach shots , putting etc. playing ranked each round makes the most sense.

    If you are playing a round for the best possible score always play the ranked round. This will help you to see how you manage, what your average is, and give your personal best and awards to strive for.

    Best of luck!


    Edit: Although it doest say that , you will notice that its does not effect average playing a practice, does keep track of your overall rounds in practice, nor does it keep track of your Eagle, Birdies etc. Thats why its called "Practice" lol. Still heck of a shot!

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