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*** Downtime tonight 2/6/13 ***

Sat, Feb 9 2013 8:33 AM (94 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:50 AM

    but all that NIKE merchandise has probably cost WGT NOTHING.

    Well that maybe true but you know for sure the WGT office staff are sporting new Nike gear, Pizza probably can't shut his wardrobe door anymore for Nike shirts. :))

    If anyone missed out there are a couple of hats left in the sample cupboard (mind the clubs)

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 8:31 AM

    The full Pebble Beach course comes out in 2019 lol



    per wikipedia


    "In line with its USGA tie-in, WGT has published a preview of the new courses that will be launched on the site in conjunction with the upcoming locations for the U.S. Open: Merion (2013), Pinehurst No.2 (2014), Chambers Bay (2015), Erin Hills (2017) and Pebble Beach(full course) (2019)."


    so we get Merion for stroke play later on in the year. I'd like 2-3 stroke play courses a year, but oh well. 


    i still prefer the tennis US Open though LOL

    1,189 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 8:39 AM


    And the price of the new items in the elite collection is actually really good. I don't know how much golf shirts cost in the US, but in Slovenia any Nike shirts START at 50 euros (around $67) in retail (regular price, not talking about sales), so the fact you can buy one for 18.000 credits (with cost of overseas shipping included) sounds like a very good deal to me.

    but all that NIKE merchandise has probably cost WGT NOTHING.  probably Nike has thrown in a few hats & shirts as part of the advertisement they have with WGT and using their name for balls etc etc rather than Titleist or another brand.  So basically I bet the shirts cost ZERO to wgt and its all PROFIT anyway


    WTH does their cost have to do with us? It's their business and they can run it anyway they like. If I can get a shirt, that would cost me 50+ euros in a store, for 18.000 credits, which would otherwise be worthless, I'll take it and be very happy. The conversion rate is more than 100% better than if I bought a gift card.

    And the way you're acting one would think your 150.000 credits actually cost you $1.500. Since we all know, that people who can actually afford to buy Elite items, did not get the majority of their credits by buying their worth in real money, so stop acting like you're paying for these items as much as that amount of credits would cost in real money!

    I understood all the fuss about removing the gift cards and I fully agree you all have a legitimate gripe about their removal. I sincerely wish you get them back. But moaning about the new items is beyond me. What a friggin sense of entitlement, ffs!

    P.S.: And just to put everything in perspective. You could buy 9 shirts with what you'd pay for a $250 gift card. Now tell me how much you think you'd get for those 9 shirts if you sold them online? My bet would be more than $250. Just some food for thought before you all jump off the nearest cliff because you feel you've been getting a raw deal ;-)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:29 AM

    And just to put everything in perspective. You could buy 9 shirts with what you'd pay for a $250 gift card. Now tell me how much you think you'd get for those 9 shirts if you sold them online? My bet would be more than $250

    Now THAT'S thinking 'outside the box'.  lol

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:48 AM


    P.S.: And just to put everything in perspective. You could buy 9 shirts with what you'd pay for a $250 gift card. Now tell me how much you think you'd get for those 9 shirts if you sold them online? My bet would be more than $250. Just some food for thought before you all jump off the nearest cliff because you feel you've been getting a raw deal ;-)

    i do not think you could do that, the shirts cost $22 new, without the WGT logo. You could probs get $10 max for 2nd hand WGT, nike t. but more likely $5.

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:49 AM

    Things that apply to me:

    - Pebble Beach CTTH course. Alright, that's cool, I've never been able to play it so it's new to me. 

    The rest - don't care - no comment. 

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 10:03 AM

    I am still waiting for the cart girls and reduced prices on hot dogs in the club house.

    There you go!

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 10:31 AM

    And Pebble is back.

    but for how long? Is it here to stay this time or just until March 1st when the 2 CTTH tourneys end?

  • UncleAshtray
    14 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 10:45 AM


    And Pebble is back.

    but for how long? Is it here to stay this time or just until March 1st when the 2 CTTH tourneys end?


    I'm there a schedule to let someone know when the tourneys are finished? I didn't see anything anywhere about March 1st or would be nice to see what will be available or unavailable to us in the future.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 11:36 AM

    LOL....If I want to play Pebble Beach or Merion I go play 18 on my other golf game. Nothing new to get excited about. Hopefully they didn't add any more bugs or new VEM like the last update.