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Mon, Mar 25 2013 7:09 PM (46 replies)
  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 4:39 AM

    And not "golf balls" either.

    Where do you get the “NERVE" or should I say "EGO" to sell WGT items for the prices you have listed?

    Are you that high on yourselves? Seriously? You have let your little bit of money combined with your young age send you on this EGO trip. Do you REALLY THINK people will pay $100.00 / One-hundred dollars, for a VISOR! ?

    Or a $120.00 for a HAT! ? A HAT!!!!!!!!!

    And the kicker of alllll the items;  $1000.00 – ONE THOUSAND dollars, for a “phone chat” with Chad. LOL!!!! You honestly “think” this game, WGT, is alllllllll that. Come on man. Lets do a reality check.

    So, all of the above as mentioned, SKI ROCKETING prices for “VIRTUAL” gb’s and equipment, and NUMEROUS changes to the games format  I, along with many other veteran players are walking away never to return.  THIS IS THE REALITY.

    Get a grip guys. This is a dying virtual computer game that has been mis-managed from day 1. Nearly 3 years ago I suggested you hire someone with the knowledge and background to take charge of managing (at the time) a young company before you run it straight into the ground. Well, here we are 3 and a half years later and look at the company now. The end.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:29 AM

    I've just bought the set...........................................yeah right!!

    if it was half price, Maybe, but thinking about it, maybe not.  $180 for $30 shirt.  I didn't mind exchanging 165,000 credits for a gift card because you could go to the shop, buy all the Nike clothing which Is for sale and still have $200 left to spend.  In theory you could buy the elite collection Nike clothing 3 times over with the amount of credits needed for $250 gift card, but If you had the $250 gift card you could go to a shop buy all the clothing 3 times and still have $100 to spend.  Just gets better & better.  And then we get a course that we actually got 2 years ago.  Yes newbies might get excited, but all the ones who have been here a while see things differently now.

     Dont get me started on the odds of the hole in 1 challenge, where you loose $$ every hole even If you land within 1 to 5 feet.  Clever wording by wgt to make us think we can win by landing close where you loose your stake any way.  Here are the credit "bonuses".

    Stake: 100/50/10
    HIO: +1,400/+700/+140
    1 foot: -74/-37/-8
    5 foot: -90/-45/-9
    Miss:  -100/-50/-10

    And an extra dollar for a ball with a touch slower meter, which makes me miss ding MORE than balls with faster meter.LOL

    Yes Its good to have par 3 courses to play in matchplay challenge's, I enjoyed playing them for credits, but honestly, re booting current courses is NOT the same as even a new tru golf 1.

    I will only get excited when I see Meiron, a nice crispy course to play (heck even a TruGolf would do) re-releasing same old same old or things we all ready have doesn't seem to do it for me anymore

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:39 AM

    I sent this to Mr WGT on his Twitter account;


    Seriously you guys are in danger of ruining your wonderful creation. Don't underestimate the wrath of the regular customer.

    Not that'll make one iota of difference but the boundaries in taking the piss just keep getting pushed out further and further.....

    I also sent him this;

  • stoneymalone
    121 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:43 AM


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:58 AM


    I sent this to Mr WGT on his Twitter account;


    Seriously you guys are in danger of ruining your wonderful creation. Don't underestimate the wrath of the regular customer.

    Not that'll make one iota of difference but the boundaries in taking the piss just keep getting pushed out further and further.....

    I also sent him this;

    Thats one of the funniest videos I've EVER WATCHED!!!  Tiffer has in 1 video given us a taste of WGT's "GENERAL" meetings with the FuhrerWGT himself.  Amazing subtitles.  Give it a watch, will have you in STITCHES! 

  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 6:14 AM

    I agree. It's over priced, over rated and bordering on the ridiculous for these above mentioned items.

    As I said initially, these are things people asked for, so they put it in. But they put it in at such a price point that no one will EVER get them...which is obviously what they wanted as well. Now people can't ask for it anymore because it's in there...right?


  • jayheels
    148 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 6:36 AM

    Priceless............or maybe 800,000 credits LMAO.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:06 AM

    I'm not sticking up for WGT, they can do that. But the Elite collection is pretty much meant for the Elite player. They have hundreds of thousands of credits they've won. Those high amount of credits didn't cost them any real money.

    Bollox once showed a replay and had 300,000 credits in his account. That's enough credits to buy one of everything just introduced in the Elite collection, with credits to spare.

    I don't think players will spend real money on credits to buy Elite merchandise. I do agree though Jeff, at first glance, the Elite collection pricing does give one sticker shock.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:08 AM

    Well said H. I'm not very good with words so I remembered this song. This lil ditty is dedicated to WTG clown's that hair-brained the item's  prices at the pro shop.


    Great post, great thread.