Whats an MPC btw dazza? match play credits?
forums are a funny thing, they are mostly there for venting and are barely read buy game makers and when they are, and the game companies do what's demanded thins go very wrong.
For instance Star wars old republic the biggest on line game launch ever, at first it was a 6 hour wait to get on servers, people were in uproar make more servers we wanna play, so bioware did loads and loads of new servers everyone could play all the hundreds of servers pretty full.
a month later when the free trial ended many people decided that like most star wars things its not as good as i thought lots left, then the people that where left of the hundreds of servers didn't have anyone to play with so they left, they then tried to merge all the servers but this didn't help as it never does as everyone loses there community ties.
then in the end the most successful online game launch of all time went free to play just 11 months after release.
Bioware already said there biggest mistake was opening the new servers they spent a long time figuring out how many server they should have then they through it all out the window and killed there own game.
Just saying be careful what you wish for, what if they give us 10 new courses say the items are free you just have to unlock them (break 60 50 etc) but now you have to pay £10 a month to play
The game would die in a month they know this and they know as nearly every other single game companies knows free basic model and pay for upgrades was the best idea ever for money making
sorry for the long post :)