No, what you need to realise is that WGT are an on-line gaming site that basically dont want to pay out. There are players on here that have in their pocession tens of thousand if not hundreds of thousands of credits won through ready go tournaments, skins and matchplay credit games. These were then 'traded in' for the gift cards for Amazon, Subway etc, these having a financial value to the aforementioned player(s).
At the last update these gift cards were abolished and you were invited to spend these credits on astronomical priced design your own golf bags and avatars, worthless is the bottom line.
I play a lot of on-line poker, if i have a good night at the table my winnings are deposited in my account almost immediately, i'm not told you cant have your money but please feel free to spend it on designing your own deck of cards or table design.
So no its not a joke, oh and if you want to spend i think it's a 100,000 on a phone call feel free.