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Money, clubs

Sun, Jul 18 2010 7:10 PM (26 replies)
  • chaddyt150
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jul 2 2010 2:58 PM

    How do I start to earn money and get new clubs???

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Fri, Jul 2 2010 5:39 PM

    Search Box----------->

    Try a credit card its holds better chance of having credits to buy clubs 

  • chaddyt150
    5 Posts
    Fri, Jul 2 2010 10:17 PM

    umm no ***. I want to know how to earn credits not buy them.

  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Sat, Jul 3 2010 1:54 AM

    How do I start to earn money and get new clubs???

    The only way to earn credits is to go out and play the clubs you have until you are good enough to earn credits in tournaments that are in your tier bracket.  The newer clubs are very unforgiving and will hinder your advancement.  If you still desire the newer clubs you will have to purchase them your self.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sat, Jul 3 2010 5:17 AM

    wow a noob and a smart a**, well take your starter clubs and jump right into the free tourneys. in the year 2016 you should have enough creds for a sleeve of balls. good luck JB

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Sat, Jul 3 2010 5:29 AM

    Fill out surveys. It takes some time but you will get the credits you want.

    Go to buy credits.

    Scroll down until you see 'change billing information'

    Scroll down (#2 I think) and there is a tab that says 'complete offers for credits'

    There you credits.

    Happy hitting

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sat, Jul 3 2010 9:58 AM

  • Jlandmesser22
    2 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 8:50 PM

    don't be retarded use the money you are/were going to spend and play golf at your local course don't be like the other overweight people who play this game because they cant walk onto the course or they are the guys you see at the driving range with $10,000 clubs but couldn't hit the ball straight, this is the only way they can show off and actually play fairly decent. this game is dumb and I wouldn't spend any money on it.

  • borntobesting
    9,764 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 10:46 PM


    don't be retarded use the money you are/were going to spend and play golf at your local course don't be like the other overweight people who play this game because they cant walk onto the course or they are the guys you see at the driving range with $10,000 clubs but couldn't hit the ball straight, this is the only way they can show off and actually play fairly decent. this game is dumb and I wouldn't spend any money on it.

    How would you know if this game is dumb or not. You have been on here 1 day and played exactly 1 Closest to the hole challenge. And for your information Although due to a work related injury to my hip and lower leg which makes walking extremely painful I played 18 holes of golf was going to say this morning but seeing that it is after midnight yesterday morning. Walked the whole 18 and it wasn't easy. Couldn't swing as freely as I would have liked but still managed a respectful +11 due mainly to my short game where your lower body doesn't have to do a lot. 

     One lady on here is a 6 or 7 handicap player. That is more than just decent that is great. 

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 7:42 AM

    While I could stand to lose a few lb's, I often will walk 18 holes of golf, and even days when I am forced to use a cart I will let someone else drive and I will walk to my ball.  My clubs brand new would cost around $2300 and my handicap was as low as a 2, and is now a 5.  Anymore myths we should debunk JLand?