Next update to this game could they add a feature to pause a game. If I am playing against another golfer 18 holes and I have to pee I only have 90 seconds to try and make it there and back before losing a stroke. if we could say have a 5 minute pause button or maybe a 5 minute break after the front 9 it would make it easier on us players.
Coming to the Elite section of the Pro Shop in next update ;-)
Figures WGT would figure a way of making money even on going for a pee
Yup, you could say they have it covered with this one :-)
Just refill one of the empty beer bottles ;-)
One bottle ain't enough for
I just open the front door and gooooooo!
lol wait til after the match...
or you have to plan it strategically
i'm sure you could see how this would be abused and would be a horrible idea
cpatterson22:you have to plan it strategically