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Ready Go's A Joke Now, Time To Do Away With Them?

Sun, Feb 17 2013 4:51 PM (25 replies)
  • iancl147
    689 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2013 10:54 AM

    I've never entered a 1000 credit RG and with my Credits Balance as it is I'm unlikely to. I just about cover the cost of my balls playing in 50-300 credit RGs. One bad day and I'm nearly out but I usually have enough to cover the next day's entry.

    I'm very happy with the 50-300 credit RGs as they stand. Although I don't like the Uneven Lie ones. They just cost me balls because I have no idea how to play them. 

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 5:19 AM

    personally i have virtually stopped playin these an most tourneys as the scores and bagging come to the fore such as a l68 amatuer carding a 58 in the wgt nation tourney and one look at his stats p3 avg 7 p4 avg 9 p5 avg 10 until wgt sorts crap like that out mny people just wont bother

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 6:56 AM

    After witnessing the JOKE ROUND i received in $10 ready go.  UNBELIEVABLE and has made me vow never to enter one again.  COMICAL, and so many replays saved PROOVING that WGT should concentrate on FIXING OLD ISSUES rather than finding other ways how to RIP US ALL OFF, like the cleverly worded hole in 1 challenge.

    4 shots in 18 holes where i moved aim marker left or right, Hole 2,4, 11 & 17 and the dinged shot was taken as if i had aimed at PIN (DEFAULT AIM POSITION) not where i moved marker. Once I could live with, but 4 times in a $10 ready go where every birdie counts.  Either its FIXED into our rounds TO LIMIT SCORING, not my turn to do well, or its just a FLAW which although mentioned several times OVER & OVER, WGT care to IGNORE IT, like they do with many other things, "lets just sweep it under the carpet as it doesn't effect our revenue does it?"  See the difference when WGT have over paid you credits the speed it takes them to take the credits back......INSTANT, compared to other things.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 8:12 AM

    good to see 1k RG's back...and interest is there also as 30 have entered in space of 8 hrs or so

    couple 500's now WGT and every-one's happy :)

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 9:49 AM


    good to see 1k RG's back...and interest is there also as 30 have entered in space of 8 hrs or so

    couple 500's now WGT and every-one's happy :)

    I left a message on Mrwgt's wall asking for some so he messaged me back saying he added a 1000cr RG. Maybe you should ask for a couple of 500's and what we get Steven :)


  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 4:51 PM

    Any progress on the 500 credit rg's? nice to have a 1000 cr again, and a couple 500's would keep me from wd kia 300 everytime lol