Has anyone else noticed that the disconnects and loading problems are getting worse as the days go by?
I've tried 4 different browsers over the last month and tonight my latest browser is showing all the same signs that the previous 3 have shown.
This doesn't happen with any of the other internet apps i have access to, so i'm now beginning to form a fairly firm conclusion, that it's WGT which is the source problem.
So many posts on here talk about clearing caches, new browsers, re-boot, etc. But none of it works long-term. Can I suggest that WGT now have so many players that their system setup just can't cope any more. I see no signs in their releases of any upgrades to their server farm or comms connections. Why not? they must realise that the interactions will eventually clog up.
All I seem to get offered is bags and new outfits........please please please WGT focus on the major criticism from not just me but everyone I play with.......you need to sort this out and pronto!
if anyone out there can resolve this I'll be amazed.....only WGT can do it, but its going to take some investment on their part......am I holding my breath waiting for that? .....no.