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How can this be ???

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Tue, Feb 19 2013 11:22 AM (15 replies)
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  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 12:18 PM

    Unfortunately I did not save the shot to post, so you have to trust me.  I am on the 16th hole at St. Andrews, Teeing off- The wind is blowing at 15 mph almost straight across, from left to right. I placed my mark on the left edge of the fairway, I hit a perfect drive, ringing the bell. My shot  went directly left into the rough, instead it should have been in the middle of the fairway. This screw up by WGT ended up costing me a stroke. How could this happen. It is easy enough to mess up on my own, I don't need a glitch to help, 

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:13 PM

    the same has happened to me an hour ago. long shot, aprox. 190y, wind->15. almost excellent meter hit. ball goes totally left. looks like that what i see (where the meter stopped) is not same as what is used in 'wgt software' calculation. (flash issue, must be)

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 3:29 PM

    yep, sadly 'inconsistencies' appear to be dramatically increasing and no one seems to know why or care?

  • Raqmenace
    153 Posts
    Fri, Feb 15 2013 9:06 AM

    Indeed the inconsistencies are getting worse by the day!!!!  Wind effect is totally inconsistant. Green speed is totally inconsistant...... the list goes on and on!!!

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Fri, Feb 15 2013 11:47 AM



    and we've all had weird shots, i have one on my profile saved where the ball took an impossibly high bounce

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Fri, Feb 15 2013 8:11 PM

    seems to happen quite allot on st andrews

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Fri, Feb 15 2013 9:12 PM

    I have too noticed, especially on St. Andy, that the wind doesn't affect the shot on one and the very next shot on the same hole goes wacky. WGT will say its our computer, cache, processing speed, yada, yada, yada.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 4:33 PM

    I just got back from Oly's 18H. at 11th hole. wind -> 12, no affect (like no wind), every shot (driver, irons). putter - missed all possible and impossible. i never seen something like that. its dark software magic

  • jzepol
    28 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 8:24 PM

    playjng ctth @ pebble hole 2   199yd  37ft elevation  9mph helping wind slightly left I dinged my starter 3wood off the tee  the ball landed in the rough at about 156yds then proceeded to roll thru the length of the green for a total of 217yds  how is this possible

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 5:15 AM

    I watched this from all the camera angles and did not see it hit any rough at all. It looks like you just hit it too far. When you hit it cleared the hill no problem and was moving fast.

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