Hi all. I have a question and would love to hear other's opinion.
Did I do the right thing or not (I am sure I did), and should I have just let this go or not, I had to give the guy my opinion when I came back.
Playing a 9 hole A/S game. On the 2nd hole, I received a phone call from 14 year old son, he missed his bus and wanted me to pick him up as it was pouring rain and he did not want to walk the 1 mile, sorry, as a parent I opted to pick him up. So, with that, I said in the game chat: "S**T...sorry guys I hate to do this, but just got a call from my son and I need to go pick him up from school" At one point I said I could shoot let the clock run while I am gone. One guy, xxxxxxx, who was my partner, proceeded to tell me to go F myself, not once, but twice. As a fairly experienced player here since the summer, this was the first time I had to leave a game willingly. I have been in games before where someone said they had to leave for a reason or another...hey life happens and it is only a game, sure I could understand frustration, but to say that?
Anyway, I posted on his wall...I am not a friend, but wanted to post and speak my mind (to a point anyway), Was I right in doing this? And what are other's opinions on what I did and people leaving games when life calls? I tend to think I have an idea of people's opinions.
Here is what I wrote on the wall:
on xxxxxxxx wall,
"Your Loveable Personality"
I have played close to 200 A/S games plus multiple other games. That was the first time I had to leave a game. At least I had the decency and respect for other players to inform you that I received a phone call from my son and needed to pick him up from school, instead of just quitting. He missed the bus and it was pouring. I can understand frustration for not finishing the game, but to say "Go *** Yourself" to me, not once but twice...shows how classless and disrespectful you are. Sorry pal, some of us have lives away from our computer.