As a CC owner, what concerns me the most with WGT is their lack of concern for Multi Accounters.
I have personally experienced several of them who have not only tainted their name but personaly upset many members in our club.
It is very hard to kee track of these people and there seems to be more and more of them appearing.
Q. Why is it that myself and others can recognise them yet WGT continue to refuse the technology to adminstrate them
A. Revenue.
As soon as WGT shift their focus from greed money hungry revenue raisers without th contempt they have for their membership, the more their membership retention will increase.
I like playing here, I have mnet some good friends here, we all put up with the BS, we all see where WGT is failing, its not unique notions, it is common perceptions.
WGT are currently in the practice of false advertising, capitalist retail & circumventing international laws.
Their day will come, but unless their ideology changes WGT will not improve for the majority.
Ok so this touched a nerve for me, first the multi accounter.
Why do some come here and leave, some come here with plenty of gaming experience, read lots, practice lots, have knowledge of physics, math and computer programming, study some more, read some more, practice some more, then chart their their clubs and balls, gather all the necessary information regarding wind and green breaks, all this work to get reasonably ok, then have some self proclaimed expert compare those abilities to their own wack fck style of play and declare unequivocally that person is a multi accounter and call them out in their personal country club forums and even put it to a freaken vote in some cases.Yes there are plenty of multi accounters, but not everyone who is better than you is and can easily be mis identified as such.
WGT Revenue. WGT is doing what every other successful company has done before them, it's common to extract as much cash out of your current customers as you possibly can, go belly up, re brand and start over. The belly up is coming soon. This game is plain far to expensive and takes far to long to gain the best equipment for any new gamer to consider staying with.
No they are not going to make things cheaper for the masses, they are not going to allow you to continue playing for free and in some cases at a profit, they are in fact going to perfect the program, the business and go belly up and rebrand. Next version will be superb, cheaper, and have oodles of players and WGT or whatever they call it will be floating in cash, and all you addicted trolling freeloaders will be lighter in the wallet.
And back on to the multi accounter, what exactly did the forum trolls expect to happen when you repeatedly and consistently requested WGT to move people up the tiers faster. I suspect you suspected you would have alot more players playing from your same tees at 20 and 30 levels below you so you could take advantage of them, well you were dreaming in technicolor.