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Improved Stats

Wed, Feb 27 2013 7:23 PM (8 replies)
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  • Gigs1973
    528 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 11:31 AM

    I would like to see the stats improved. In particular, I would like to see more information by course, for instance, Bests, Totals, and Averages per course. Just this kind of information would be awesome to have. It would great to see this breakdown even further, such as stats in tourneys versus regular play. I know this is a wealth of information and WGT probably doesn't have the data storage for all of this. You could even break it down by wind conditions and green speed.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Tue, Feb 12 2013 12:19 PM

    We have given WGT our input on wanting more stats.   For example I would love to see leaderboards that show most aces, longest drive, best ranked round on each nine, etc. etc.   We currently have only the earnings list.

    Since all this information is stored within each players stats, I would think that WGT could pull it out and make a leaderboard that would show all this to us.  How about it WGT, yet another request for this, can you give us at least a little hope.

  • AlbertoBQ
    2,560 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 4:51 PM

    I fully endorse this idea!

    Who would not benefit by knowing for example, your personal average on a single hole?
    How many times (%) you finish in a certain bunker etc. etc. 

    And many more stats can be pulled out just as easy.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 12:25 PM

    I think that level of detail stats might be pretty hard to put together Alberto.   I was more thinking about the stats that are already readily available to us in our profiles or stored in the vaults of WGT.

    I would be cool to have a stat wall with all the best scores, drives, putts, GIR %, all that stuff as a part of the WGT experience.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 6:33 PM

    I would like to see the stats available per tier as well as over your whole 'career'. The way your personal stats are now is often pretty meaningless as it includes all those early rounds when often you were doing little more than seeing if you could hit the ball let alone in which direction.

  • 21as21111
    170 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 10:56 PM

    I would be cool to have a stat wall with all the best scores, drives, putts, GIR %, all that stuff as a part of the WGT experience.


    i mostly practice at tourney stroke games. from the beginning. i makes my shots better and get more level points there. actually, data in stats are useless for me. except in case what TR says. i rarely check my stats. for exmpl. i have 2 eagles (iam not sure) in stats. i know i made it more, but cause: if you dont finish round - not recorded, if you lose match - not recorded, if you play CC stroke tourney again - not recorded, in practice mode - not recorded,.... and i am so inexperienced and i do not know how many rules is. or we need to have 'professor' special tier and we need to go through Special WGT Rule Course. higher special rule tier - you can get more info from

    that what Chinajohn says, scores and result when we started here or when we practiced with new clubs, also included in stats and disturb nice stats 'view' to those who care for it. wgt will change stats look (and rules, maybe) someday and we'll see what happens

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Feb 20 2013 3:10 AM

    I agree,

    I would also love much more detailed stats. I will keep pushing for it.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 7:54 AM

    Thanks ICON   I think everyone would enjoy this.

  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 8:49 AM


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 8:49 AM

    It's nice in theory, but I think it could also promote a certain level of elitism.  Also, let's face it - equipment matters.  If someone is throwing around credits to burn and can get the best of what's around, they can pull out a lucky shot here and there that may make a stat board, but it really doesn't define the golfer in terms of greatness or mediocrity.


    I've outplayed quite a few players who greatly out-gear me, and even a couple legends - even though I'm going to bat with every starter club possible, starter balls, and even lacking EZ putt meter.  On a stat sheet, in certain aspects they look like I couldn't carry their clubs without bowing in homage.  It's judging a book by its cover.

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