A couple of days ago I found myself in a foursome with three Hacks, and I thought that it would be alot of fun so went along.
It was the Best of Par 3 Course and the first hole went OK as they didn't seem to be emitting any discouraging vibes, but when they started putting balls into the water at Congressional #10, one of them started with an "I'm BORRRRRRRRED" comment, and it fell apart from there.
They wouldn't chat (their flags were from 3 different continents, so I'm assuming that they weren't sitting together having a good laugh at my expense, but......) so it seemed like my encouragement and praise was falling on deaf ears.
By the fifth hole (and an hour later), it was only me and one other player left. Even after I had mentioned the etiquette of gracefully forfeiting the game thereby letting the others carry on with little disruption, he just disconnected as the others had, and I was left to finish the game by myself.
On the other hand, this afternoon I had a quite enjoyable two games with a Hack. He asked questions, and I offered him whatever advice I could give.
I'm out for the fun and to be social; winning is just a bonus. I'd play a Hack any day. Beats playing a Legend who decided "I can't play when it's like this". At least they know how to forfeit gracefully (although sometimes they............never mind).