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Option to view distances in metres

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 16 2013 5:00 PM (18 replies)
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  • ronmac58
    2 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 11:08 AM

    Since most of the world uses the metric system it would be very useful to have the option to show all distances in metres ... making this a genuinely global product.   And making an already great product even better.



    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 1:40 AM

    Since most of the world uses the metric system


    WGT is not most of the world. It is an entity unto themselves.


    Just another oversight of the game dev's

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 1:46 AM


    Since most of the world uses the metric system it would be very useful to have the option to show all distances in metres ... making this a genuinely global product.   And making an already great product even better.



    This has been suggested before and as it hasn't been implemented yet, I'd guess it's unlikely to be implemented.

    However, as I said in those previous threads, while I personally would have no problem with this (irl I work in both), I don't see the point, it could be metres, yards, miles, lightyears or your inside leg measurement. This isn't real life, it's just a number, the unit is irrelevant to your aim.

  • ronmac58
    2 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 1:57 AM

    I take the point that the only thing that matters is the 'virtual number' ... but those of us who play regular golf have imprinted on our DNA an understanding of the potential distance that each club represents ...and in my case ( and those in metric countries) ... it is expressed in  metres. 

    The whole thing is extremely realistic...( well done).. its  a pity not go go the extra mile (!) to meet the preferences of a lot of players from around the world.

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 6:31 AM

    Golf courses until reasonably recently were measured in yards only ,  therefore why is it necessary to change ?


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 8:23 AM



    Since most of the world uses the metric system it would be very useful to have the option to show all distances in metres ... making this a genuinely global product.   And making an already great product even better.



    This has been suggested before and as it hasn't been implemented yet, I'd guess it's unlikely to be implemented.

    However, as I said in those previous threads, while I personally would have no problem with this (irl I work in both), I don't see the point, it could be metres, yards, miles, lightyears or your inside leg measurement. This isn't real life, it's just a number, the unit is irrelevant to your aim.

    I agree. The unit of measure isn't important as long as it's an accurate representation of distance.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 8:49 AM


    Golf courses until reasonably recently were measured in yards only ,  therefore why is it necessary to change ?

    You've known it like that 50 years ago, didn't you old pal? *chuckles*

    The international agreements date back to 1889 BTW.

    And while I agree that it's not a relevant difference if lengths are measured in yards or meters (280 is 280 anyway), it becomes difficult for the metric players (as in continental Europe) when smaller distances are involved, feet & inches, and when conversions have to take place.

    This is particularily true for bigger elevations on the greens. Take STA #17 as an example, putting from the very front of the green. It demands for some extra awareness for us.

    @Ron: You will eventually become used to conversions of 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 9:04 AM


    This is particularily true for bigger elevations on the greens. Take STA #17 as an example, putting from the very front of the green. It demands for some extra awareness for us.

    NAH!! Just smack it with a wedge.

    replay.aspx?ID=b86d3662 3a21 42e6 bd17 a08000e4ea95



  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 11:24 AM



    Golf courses until reasonably recently were measured in yards only ,  therefore why is it necessary to change ?

    You've known it like that 50 years ago, didn't you old pal? *chuckles*

    The international agreements date back to 1889 BTW.

    And while I agree that it's not a relevant difference if lengths are measured in yards or meters (280 is 280 anyway), it becomes difficult for the metric players (as in continental Europe) when smaller distances are involved, feet & inches, and when conversions have to take place.

    This is particularily true for bigger elevations on the greens. Take STA #17 as an example, putting from the very front of the green. It demands for some extra awareness for us.

    @Ron: You will eventually become used to conversions of 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches.

    Lol , i haven't reached 50 years and won't for a few years yet , but my point was that , at least here in St Andrews , metres were not included on the scorecard until relatively recently .

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 11:40 AM

    *suppresses envy*

    Looks like you preferred to omit that local limitation before to your advantage ;)

    I don't expect metric measurements on British or US courses, but this is a worldwide game where the option would be nice.

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