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Driving/Putting Range? Mulligan!

Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:12 PM (9 replies)
  • AlbertoBQ
    2,560 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 4:47 PM

    I thought about all the people who asks for a driving range / putting green.

    It would be simple to create a PRO SHOP item called "Mulligan" that comes in 10/50/100 shots at different price levels.

    You would be allowed to use it only in solo and practice games, so you can mulligan a shot that you want to try again and again.

    The ball will warn out for every shot, but at least you would be able to try again, hence you will have the opportunity to make a driving range / pitching range / sand training / putting green with every shot.


  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 4:54 AM

    Interesting suggestion...I'd probably use it.

    What say you, Icon?


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 7:22 AM


  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 7:52 AM

    Your giving them an easy way out. Just another money grab. I would not use it. Give us a free practice area, so that you can choose which type of shot you want to make and without using up balls either. Links provided this why can't WGT. How I miss the old Links, The only thing better here is the graphics and that is all.

  • bluescouse
    1,185 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 8:37 AM


    It would be simple to create a PRO SHOP item called "Mulligan" that comes in 10/50/100 shots at different price levels.

    We've been asking for a mulligan option in practice mode for years and keep getting fobbed off, so I don't think it will ever happen. But just in case it does, I wish people would stop encouraging WGT to charge us for them. Why should we have to pay for them? Wear and tear on the balls should be enough, surely.


  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 8:44 AM



    It would be simple to create a PRO SHOP item called "Mulligan" that comes in 10/50/100 shots at different price levels.

    I wish people would stop encouraging WGT to charge us for them. Why should we have to pay for them? Wear and tear on the balls should be enough, surely.


    Thank you very much Sean. I couldn't agree more mate !

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 12:30 PM

    If the balls going to wear out why pay for a mulligan feature?

    Dont give them anymore money making ideas!!


    I thought about all the people who asks for a driving range / putting green.

    It would be simple to create a PRO SHOP item called "Mulligan" that comes in 10/50/100 shots at different price levels.

    You would be allowed to use it only in solo and practice games, so you can mulligan a shot that you want to try again and again.

    The ball will warn out for every shot, but at least you would be able to try again, hence you will have the opportunity to make a driving range / pitching range / sand training / putting green with every shot.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 12:34 PM




    It would be simple to create a PRO SHOP item called "Mulligan" that comes in 10/50/100 shots at different price levels.

    I wish people would stop encouraging WGT to charge us for them. Why should we have to pay for them? Wear and tear on the balls should be enough, surely.


    Thank you very much Sean. I couldn't agree more mate !


    I agree too, but the reality is this will happen if it is ever introduced. It has been asked for for years, so why would WGT do it without some sort of monetary gain (apart from increased ball usage)? In my view they wouldn't. Hope I am wrong!

  • AlbertoBQ
    2,560 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 12:40 PM


    Your giving them an easy way out. Just another money grab. I would not use it. Give us a free practice area, so that you can choose which type of shot you want to make and without using up balls either. Links provided this why can't WGT. How I miss the old Links, The only thing better here is the graphics and that is all.


    We've been asking for a mulligan option in practice mode for years and keep getting fobbed off, so I don't think it will ever happen. But just in case it does, I wish people would stop encouraging WGT to charge us for them. Why should we have to pay for them? Wear and tear on the balls should be enough, surely.


    It would seem that if WGT benefits from a feature we ask for, there is more chance that we will see that feature implemented, so I am just trying to suggest something that MIGHT be taken into consideration.

    I don't see a FREE mullingan feature happening anytime soon... maybe a "WGT profit" feature will.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2013 2:12 PM


    It would seem that if WGT benefits from a feature we ask for, there is more chance that we will see that feature implemented, so I am just trying to suggest something that MIGHT be taken into consideration.

    I don't see a FREE mullingan feature happening anytime soon... maybe a "WGT profit" feature will.

    Sadly I concur with the OP, if it happens I am sure there will be a cost involved. I do not see this as putting ideas into WGT heads, I am positive this would have been the first thing discussed. Without a reasonable financial gain (and ball usage would not be enough as how often will you use the function) it will not be implemented.

    Pehaps why this has never been done, is if one buys x-amount of mulligans, what is to stop you using it in a ranked round or tournament? The coding to make mulligans for practice rounds (avaiable to all for free) would not be too difficult, but to code and sell an item that would have to have various code overrides (limiting the use of it) may be difficult. Just my thoughts.