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Loading Time

Sat, Feb 23 2013 10:46 AM (5 replies)
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, Feb 15 2013 7:08 AM

    Hi there.

    Been notice this for a while but never engage a thread. This is not the usual cryin'out thread but maybe only a consideration and I would like to get a report from anyone who think that those type of "problem" is for real.

    Sequence, start a ready go tournament on Cabo, not filled yet but I played maybe for first or second, maybe meanwhile the other player rolls his walk. No problem found, perfect loading time and closed that front nine in 15minutes roughly. Good score but nothing special until I'll decide to change my wifi connection in a plug in one, by the way.

    Still got 30minutes, money are fine so let's roll the Legend Bethpage RG. Start it at 15:10, closed at 15:55, real consideration: one. I started this RG with all the 50 players filled up and after many situations like this, where in the middle I played isolated CC's tour, I like to think that isn't a combination to the the minds who know where and when play those games. I know it's a kind of contingency maybe caused by my wifi connection but those "events" happen in this type of case.

    Anyone feedback is good, I would like to understand if there are chances to low the loading time (subsequentaly had a good meter roll) and if yes what kind of.


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Feb 16 2013 1:56 AM

    No feedback, no problem.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 8:26 AM

    Still got this kind of problem only when playing during weekend or a closer end ready go's. This is atypical and I'm pretty sure isn't a problem of my wifi connection. I don't want criticize the loding time but I would like to get an answer, it's not a fault from WGT get clogging but I think that this should be given as suggestion.

    Thank You.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 9:45 AM


    Unfortunately, I am not experiencing the same and have not heard similar issues. I wonder what it can be. :(


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 9:56 AM

    Oh Icon.

    I surely think that depends on my wifi connection, strange didn't happen the same at work using the same wifi provider. What the heck, I don't give a f**k. I'm happy to play here but I would like to give you this conditons as a test.

    Maybe you'll check this problem out, if we can call "problem".
    Did you guys can test wifi using in a portable during the weekend?

    Let me know,

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 10:46 AM

    you realize that wifi can be very undependable at times especially running windows 7 or Windows 8. Mine  got so bad running windows 7 that I went back to a direct connection to my cable modem and have had no problems since. And this was with the PC connected directly to the router. The wifi connection being for my phone and kindle. 

    Another thought could it be that someone has gotten access to your wifi connection and is using without your knowledge. This would slow down your wifi considerably