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Speed Bar / Mouse problems

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 28 2013 4:27 PM (18 replies)
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  • Bigblue16
    1 Posts
    Sun, Feb 17 2013 1:46 AM

    My wife recently changed our computer to windows 8 and now my control with the mouse does not react. Every time it goes past the ding area all the way to the right. Can I correct this? Thanks. 

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 5:56 AM

    You could try a different:

    a) Mouse (Wired)

    b) Computer

    c) Operating system (XP :)

    d) Wife



  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 6:23 AM

    e) new nerd's glasses

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 6:57 AM

    Change your wife for a new one. Lol

  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 8:33 AM

    Get your own computer. Password- protect admin privileges, and keep that password to yourself. Avoid Windows 8 - it's designed for tablets. WGT is not designed for tablets.

    Unfortunately, new computers are coming bundled with W8, but you should be able to locate a used note-book PC of fairly recent vintage, at very reasonable prices, that will do the trick for WGT play.

  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Mon, Feb 18 2013 9:00 AM


    My wife recently changed our computer to windows 8 and now my control with the mouse does not react. Every time it goes past the ding area all the way to the right. Can I correct this? Thanks. 

    It may not be Windows 8. I am using Windows 8 with no problems. What it might be is that there was an Adobe flash update last week and if you are using Chrome as your browser it might have reverted to pepper flash and if so that is your problem.Simply check and see if you are running pepper flash and if so disable it. 

  • Soggyblogger
    224 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 5:22 PM

    My first post so I have lots of questions, but subject interests me most so I will start here. I checked my plug-ins and I don't see PEPPER FLASH on the list of plug ins on my computer, but sometimes, in fact almost always during my driving off the tee the meter hesitates once or twice which makes timing my swing more difficult than it ought to be. This could be a connection problem I suppose, but it's driving me crazy and ruining my scores. 

    Another question I have is how to start a thread, cause I would like to ask a lot of beginner questions and I don't see a thread which would be appropriate. 

    Thanks to anyone who replies. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 7:05 PM


    My first post so I have lots of questions, but subject interests me most so I will start here. I checked my plug-ins and I don't see PEPPER FLASH on the list of plug ins on my computer, but sometimes, in fact almost always during my driving off the tee the meter hesitates once or twice which makes timing my swing more difficult than it ought to be. This could be a connection problem I suppose, but it's driving me crazy and ruining my scores. 

    Another question I have is how to start a thread, cause I would like to ask a lot of beginner questions and I don't see a thread which would be appropriate. 

    Thanks to anyone who replies. 


    Once you've made 5 or 6 posts the moderator will remove the restriction on you starting threads, it's a spaming thing.

    As for the juddering meter I'd start by trying another browser. There is also some good info on the right of this page where it says System Restrictions. The bit about cache clearing is very important. :-)


  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Tue, Feb 19 2013 7:21 PM

    ya tri internet explorer runs smooth as it gonna get for me i had huge probs wen i used crome but i liked it didnt want to change but  since i din i went from 76 to 72 avg in no time

  • Essisdaddy
    5,883 Posts
    Mon, Mar 18 2013 1:19 PM

    Please forgive me if this is considered as spamming, but I am dying to ask some questions and don't want to do it in someone else's thread, and you said it takes 5 or 6 posts to get one unblocked - I think this is my 5th or 6th (hint hint) :)


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