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Get Ready to Tee Off

Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:39 AM (3 replies)
  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 2:37 PM


    This window shows up every so often. Especially when you are logging onto the .  If you notice there is no option to close the window and there should be.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 2:50 PM

    I get this message on my iPhone, but have yet to see it on desktop.


  • borntobesting
    9,642 Posts
    Mon, Jul 5 2010 6:20 PM


    I get this message on my iPhone, but have yet to see it on desktop.


    I also got that message on my Palm Pixi. But have never seen it on my desktop either. By the way bogey can you play on your IPhone? I can't play on my Pixi the Palm webos can't use flash. If it can I haven't been able to figure out how yet. There is no mobile version of Flash as far as I could determine.

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:39 AM

    Thanks for the report.