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New balls.......

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 28 2013 10:19 AM (31 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 12:55 AM


    You ARE actually allowed to change the ball in any form of golf if it is lost [obviously] or damaged/ cut provide you inform your opponent or a felow competitor. 

    No you're not. If the competition is using the one ball rule as most big tournys do then if you change balls you will be disqualified.


  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 2:10 AM

    This is a computer game.

    And surely it's a win/win (for players and wgt that is) if we can revert to the balls (which, after all, we have already paid for and just clutter up our bags) should this situation arise.

    Permitting/Allowing/Blessing/Insisting on the change to unlimited balls would appear (prima facie, rofl) to contravene / breach the sacred 'one ball' rule anyway.

    Free up our balls!

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 4:12 AM


    I'm only asking for a few dots more of slowness that WGT has already introduced to the game. Not more...just a fair shake to the WGT balls is all I'm asking for bud.

    Well if they do, I'll quit buying the Nike's

    And that's exactly why they wont !

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Feb 24 2013 5:43 AM


    You ARE actually allowed to change the ball in any form of golf if it is lost [obviously] or damaged/ cut provide you inform your opponent or a felow competitor.

    IF the ball used to replace the damaged one is exactly the same type.  Which is what WGT does for you automatically when your current ball is worn out or lost.  If you were playing in an Open and ran out of your regular ball the R&A or USGA would not allow you to play on with range balls. 

    WGT is cutting us a pretty big piece of slack here, be happy you're allowed to play on at all and aren't booted from the tournament.

  • TeeWade
    1,216 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 6:25 PM



    I'm only asking for a few dots more of slowness that WGT has already introduced to the game. Not more...just a fair shake to the WGT balls is all I'm asking for bud.

    Well if they do, I'll quit buying the Nike's

    And that's exactly why they wont !


    Price them the same as Nikes, I wouldn't care  :)    Just make them WGT, please.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 6:53 PM

    WGT is cutting us a pretty big piece of slack here, be happy you're allowed to play on at all and aren't booted from the tournament.

    100% Agree.

    PLUS the player is always given the option to purchase more balls when at the first tee or down to you last ball. Run out = bad management .

  • weejohn5
    68 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 1:56 PM

    So, Tiger Woods puts his "one ball" in the water at the 1st. hole, St Andrews, in the British open and according to your "one ball rule" he is out of the tournament ? Rubbish ! Go read the section on balls in the rule book [ either Royal and Ancient or P.G.A.]  a quick guide to the rules of golf R & A     "If your ball is lost outside a water hazard or out of bounds you must play another ball from the spot where the last shot was played, under penalty of one stroke, i.e. stroke and distance."  So much for a "one ball rule". The key word is "another" meaning more than one ball. Show me a pro' or indeed any golfer with "one ball" in his or her bag !


  • weejohn5
    68 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 1:58 PM

    Key words "same type", i.e. conforming to the regulations regarding ball size, weight, etc. Not "same make" !

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 2:26 PM

    So, Tiger Woods puts his "one ball" in the water at the 1st. hole, St Andrews, in the British open and according to your "one ball rule" he is out of the tournament ?

    Gees - like a dog with a bone!

    Correct - the One Ball Rule is primarily used in all US PGA tournaments but the R&A use it for the Open. WGT have implemented the PGA ruling. And as for any Pro to do that is BAD COURSE MANAGEMENT.

    The following extract is from the R&A

    The Committee may introduce a condition of competition stating that a player must use balls of the same brand and type, and accordingly, a player may not change the brand name and cannot change from a brand type to another type of the same brand. Again, this condition is recommended for elite events only. The R&A does not currently introduce this condition at any of its Amateur events, but it is introduced at The Open Championship. The suggested wording for such a condition is contained in Appendix I, Part C of the Rules of Golf.

  • weejohn5
    68 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 5:55 PM

    Correct me if I'm wrong , but it does say the "The Committee MAY introduce a condition of competition stating that a player must use balls of the same brand and type". Key word in there ... MAY. Also " this condition is RECOMMENDED for elite events only". Key word RECOMMENDED.

    recommended past participle, past tense of rec·om·mend (Verb)

    1. Put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role.
    2. Advise or suggest (something) as a course of action.

    Advise or suggest [as opposed to enforce].