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larger meters???

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Fri, Mar 1 2013 10:44 AM (13 replies)
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  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 8:26 AM

    What purpose does changing the meters on orange and yellow putts, other than ruing perfect rounds?  I could see if you needed to hit the ball above what the meter allows but to go to, say a 50 ft. meter, from a 25ft. meter, on a 20 ft. yellow putt seems not only foolish, but confusing.  I just had a birdie chip from as position on 18 at Congressional, standing -4  and decided to go back to putter.  When I did I putted it almost in the pond. After that the hole was a disaster. I've made that chip once before and also have made the putt before. Granted it's my responsibility to look at all changes before hitting the ball but once the damage was done I was so angry I whacked it around and made triple. Obviously it's my bad, but it seems obvious that no large meters necessary unless the shot at hand's out of range of the first one.  This wasn't the first time it's happened and probably not the last.  In the heat of the moment it's very easy to not check the meter, so why try and cause more confusion than necessary.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 11:09 AM


    the caddy has certain criteria, so he will always give u enough of a meter to reach the hole (or so the idea). so you will always have a longer putter than hole may play.

    you cannot' just take it as is but must adjust it on every shot.


  • superewok
    39 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 5:29 AM



    the caddy has certain criteria, so he will always give u enough of a meter to reach the hole (or so the idea). so you will always have a longer putter than hole may play.

    you cannot' just take it as is but must adjust it on every shot.


    My caddy keeps getting backhanders at the worst times during the round (either that or he has been hitting the bottle). 

    I know it's my responsibility, but sometimes he gives good advice all the way through a round, causing me to have too much confidence in him and not double check myself  - and thats when the caddy strikes... he gives me really cruddy advice on a crucial shot, which results in a shot that the likes of Stevie Wonder would laugh at!

    (defaulting to a 20foot meter, whereas it was consistently a 10foot meter before).

    Is there some tribuneral I can go to, to complain about him?

    I want justice against crappy caddies!

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 6:22 AM


    My caddy keeps getting backhanders at the worst times during the round (either that or he has been hitting the bottle). 

    I know it's my responsibility, but sometimes he gives good advice all the way through a round, causing me to have too much confidence in him and not double check myself  - and thats when the caddy strikes... he gives me really cruddy advice on a crucial shot, which results in a shot that the likes of Stevie Wonder would laugh at!

    (defaulting to a 20foot meter, whereas it was consistently a 10foot meter before).

    Is there some tribuneral I can go to, to complain about him?

    I want justice against crappy caddies!

    I should be so lucky! My Caddy is a fully fledged crack and meth addict! I call him my Crack Caddy.


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 7:10 AM

    If you are on the fringe of the green it will always default to either 50 or 100. It does that because you need extra power to get off the fringe. It is a stupid default as you don't need 100 of the fringe when it is only 15 or 20 to the hole.

    Always check your meter setting. I have learnt the hard way and always check on any putt now. Saves that WTF moment that spoils any game. he he:~))


  • HacMcDuffer
    1,094 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 7:15 AM


    Make checking it part of your routine.

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 7:49 AM




    the caddy has certain criteria, so he will always give u enough of a meter to reach the hole (or so the idea). so you will always have a longer putter than hole may play.

    you cannot' just take it as is but must adjust it on every shot.


    My caddy keeps getting backhanders at the worst times during the round (either that or he has been hitting the bottle). 

    I know it's my responsibility, but sometimes he gives good advice all the way through a round, causing me to have too much confidence in him and not double check myself  - and thats when the caddy strikes... he gives me really cruddy advice on a crucial shot, which results in a shot that the likes of Stevie Wonder would laugh at!

    (defaulting to a 20foot meter, whereas it was consistently a 10foot meter before).

    Is there some tribuneral I can go to, to complain about him?

    I want justice against crappy caddies!

     i wouldnt trust a caddie id rather figure it out my self  cause then u know u right n u get use to it it becomes like 2nd nature after a while

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 8:50 AM



    Make checking it part of your routine.

    I learned the hard way too and now it's all about routine......routine......routine. I also click on each club even if it matches what the caddie suggested.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 9:05 AM

    Agreed ALWAYS check your putter scale ... But there is a good reason your Putter Caddy defaults to the scale it does, with the exception of the Fringe selection. Who the hell knows why it does that.

    I think most would agree it is easier to hit the ding mark when your slider has less than more travel distance. So this is why your Putter Caddy is suggesting the scale it does for your putt. The higher scale will usually have the distance you need at a much less slider travel so it usually defaults to the next higher scale.

    Below is my putter scale I made for my Max putter.. lets say you had a putt within 10 feet.  Notice the marks for the 10 scale then notice on the 20 scale the same marks for the distances of 10, 8, 6, 4 & 2 are approximately 1/2 the travel distance then on the 10 scale. Because of that then the putter caddy often defaults in this situation to the 20 scale offering the opportunity to use a lessor slide travel length for an easier mark hit. 

    Notice also that the some of the same distance marks can be found at higher scales also. Those can be used and will work fine but there can be a price for miss hits. 

    I'm not one of the betters putters but my distances are usually pretty darn close. I find using the higher scales often help me, even for short putts. I always use my 20 scale even for putts within 5 to 2 feet.

     But still You need to, as mentioned, make it a routine to check what scale it's on and select what you want to use before each putt. 

  • ksinfield
    310 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2013 2:10 PM



    the caddy has certain criteria, so he will always give u enough of a meter to reach the hole (or so the idea). so you will always have a longer putter than hole may play.

    you cannot' just take it as is but must adjust it on every shot.


    i assume this only apply to putts if not i would like to report my caddy for giving me a wedge that goes 60 yards when i had 64 yards to the hole


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