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Lefty Avatar

Fri, Feb 22 2013 10:04 PM (3 replies)
  • pecosbill34
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 7:16 PM

    I am a natural lefty when I play and I would really enjoy playing one in the game as well. I know this would mean that you would have to double your club inventory to offer lefty & righty clubs, but wouldn't that attract more players and give y'all more $$$ heh?? Thank you.

  • rjs1969
    196 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 8:52 PM

    Bill, us lefties, are in our "right minds." WGT hates us for that.(not literally...i hope) As punishment, they force us into the insane world of right handed avatar players.

    With that in mind...SUFFER along with the rest of us left handed folk. those at WGT that are paying attention. YES, i would purchase new LEFT HANDED Equipment & Avatars!    (IF they ever become available.)

    I live in WGT's reality though. Hell will freeze over 1st. Good thing i own a parka. 


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2013 10:04 PM

    rjs1969: those at WGT that are paying attention. YES, i would purchase new LEFT HANDED Equipment & Avatars!    (IF they ever become available.)

    LOL keep the parka, as hell will freeze over first. Sadly it is not just turning the avatar around etc, the WHOLE programing for everything needs to be reversed, Therefore I seriously doubt this will occur, therefore I do feel sorry for those who are lefties