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Help with country club invites

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 6 2010 4:41 PM (3 replies)
  • Wolfy11511
    7 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 12:26 PM

    I have sent 2 invites to friends of mine and they both claim they are not recieving the invites in their email inbox or the Junk folder. Any suggestions?

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 12:52 PM

    Hi Wolfy,

    Invites are working, I was able to send one to my old player account.  First delete any pending invitations for those players.  Then visit each player's profile and click the INVITE TO COUNTRY CLUB button at the top of their profile.  That will get a new invite out to each player.

    Please also have them double check their account information to make sure there are no typos in their email addresses.

  • Wolfy11511
    7 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 4:17 PM

    I tried that

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 6 2010 4:41 PM

    Not sure what else to recommend then Wolfy.  I tried it again just to verify and received the email in a matter of seconds.  Usually it's a typo, or extra space issue or something simple like that.

    You're welcome to send an invite to the retired nivlac account to verify.  Just click that link, visit the profile and click the invite to country club button.  After clicking the button you'll be shown a message saying that the invite has been sent.  Let me know when you've sent it.