i play lot of games on multi player mode,but game stats haven't been saved. i'm in level 25 but my driving distance not been set yet.why?
aceplay07: i play lot of games on multi player mode,but game stats haven't been saved. i'm in level 25 but my driving distance not been set yet.why?
matchplay stats are not saved because the games are not ranked. there are few stats that are saved from those rounds but they have separate awards for that.
aceplay07:stats haven't been saved
On your profile page look for the blue button that reads STATS, click on it then on Driving.
As Icon said, only ranked games (stroke play) count towards your statistics. It will show your Match Play record under your stats.
Practice modes, M/P, A/S, CTTH and Blitz are not ranked.
You have only played one ranked round