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New Nike golf balls

Wed, Jul 17 2013 8:11 AM (23 replies)
  • easternguy
    301 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 9:21 AM

    I have been guilty of using the most expensive balls but the costs are getting ridiculous. Five bucks and up for a sleeve ??? When will the insanity end?

    For the last month or so I've only been playing practice rounds with the starter ball in protest. I don't find the quality of the game is keeping up with the costs.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 9:44 AM


    I have been guilty of using the most expensive balls but the costs are getting ridiculous. Five bucks and up for a sleeve ??? When will the insanity end?

    For the last month or so I've only been playing practice rounds with the starter ball in protest. I don't find the quality of the game is keeping up with the costs.

    I agree and am finding out myself there is a limited return on the investement. You simply cannot buy talent. Ive tried the best clubs and balls I could find, but found I simply couldnt hande them well enough to warrant the, whats the point in a 25 dollar putter if I dont read greens very well?....wedges that put 50ft draw on a ball...etc. Instead I now use good equipment (not most expensve) and play as much as I can....Im am a 67 legend and know ILL never get to the exhaulted heights of a 56 matter what equipment I use.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 3:25 PM

    Think "green fee" - what do you want to spend for a game?

    The least fare of custom balls is 1 cr / 9 holes strokeplay, there are further steps of 6 / 15 / 25 / 70 crs per round (a bit of guessing on my side through the higher numbers).

    So, what do you wanna spend? Which kind of balls do you wish to afford to lose?

    My answer is between 6 crs (WGT-SD balls) and 25 crs (lvl 33 Callaways).

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 4:22 PM

    Damn, I missed the sale on the 25cr callys!

    But I agree Alosso, some much better value balls are available. Personally I have a mixture of Srixons, slow meter Callys and even some Max balls. Depends how my reactions and reflexes are (I play a few practice holes usually before I start).

    I like the analogy of the ball cost as the green fee, and for the few cents it costs, is pretty cheap entertainment.

    The OP has been using starters balls, and once again if you are finding the meter too fast, revert to the starters and play a few practice rounds. When you revert back to a good ball the meter will seem slow.

  • Ecka65
    245 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 4:25 PM

    The new Nike balls aren't really that attractive.  I could see their use if one was stepping up to faster clubs.  But for me, playing old Balde 2.0's with the fastest meter, the extra half dot of feel would likely just see me hooking everything.

    If they had extra durability - then the extra 30-50 creds per ball might be worth it.  But as they perform the same, and last the same as a "normal" Nike ball they really are just "meh".

    I like the level 47 Nike and have found them to be a better performer and not really more costly than the good Cally's I used to play.

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 4:38 PM

    I have been guilty of using the most expensive balls but the costs are getting ridiculous. Five bucks and up for a sleeve ??? When will the insanity end?


    I have to say I find those new slow meter Nikes priceless. They helped me a great deal. That half dot of feel more is responsible for almost no more of those very late clicks that can kill your round. And they're very economical, I found an RG that suits me, played it 22 times and still didn't use up the whole sleeve. The course and the setup is such that it takes 14 hits max (15 if you're really sloppy) of your ball life, so you can basically play 8 RGs with a single ball. I've made over 8000 cr profit in 15 days for a cost of 500 credits (1 sleeve). There's no way I could've done that with a cheaper ball and R11s (but I do use cheaper balls with my other irons).  You can call me hooked.

  • Joshnosh
    548 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 5:14 PM

    if you just play RGs then that could work, especially if you always make credits, but to do that you also need a good amount of credits just to enter the tournys.

    i myself can only play 2-3 rgs a day ones i can get credits in i mean, and i want to play more so i play loads of cc tournys and free tournys i go through at least 1 sleeve a day,

    my plan is just to keep me in balls till i get the R11s then start the bi tournys :)

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 6:55 PM


    if you just play RGs then that could work, especially if you always make credits, but to do that you also need a good amount of credits just to enter the tournys.

    i myself can only play 2-3 rgs a day ones i can get credits in i mean, and i want to play more so i play loads of cc tournys and free tournys i go through at least 1 sleeve a day,

    my plan is just to keep me in balls till i get the R11s then start the bi tournys :)


    I only use them for RGs and I play with friends with cheaper gear. As RGs go, the important thing is to find those that suit your skill and gear and stick with it. Good thing a lot of people have moved to TL tier, otherwise non of us "mortals" would stand a chance.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Feb 25 2013 9:38 PM

    Damn, I missed the sale on the 25cr callys!
    Not a sale, Alan :)

    It's only the approx. 9 hole costs of them, including the odd lost ball.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 7:23 AM

    I have to say I find those new slow meter Nikes priceless. They helped me a great deal. That half dot of feel more is responsible for almost no more of those very late clicks that can kill your round.

    I seem to miss ding much more with the slower meter balls on iron shots than i did with the faster meter balls, but the benefit on putter is worth those few missed ding.