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Last two match challenges I played... Removed = lost

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 26 2013 9:42 PM (1 replies)
  • svntwoo
    43 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 8:05 PM

    Last two match challenges I played... Removed = lost

    I played two match challenges tonight and both have resulted in a DC error and then re joining the game.  Get back in the game and then get kicked out and received an error saying I was removed from the lobby and to join a new game. 

    This pisses me off.  I lost 333 credits the first challenge and then 110 the second challenge.  

    What is wrong with WGT???  Will they credit me the credits?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 9:42 PM


    I am sorry about the issues. I would recommend if it ever happens again to right click on the game window and submit a detailed bug report. 

    please contact us via this form so our CSR can look further about the credit issue.
