More and more balls are lost (thank to you supposed VEM evil new configuration), and elites players are grumbling. So I had an idea:
When a player lose his precious Adidas ball, he can choose to search it (as an option) at the end of the game. If he choose to search, he is stuck at a nice flash panel (you know well how to do that) for an indetermined period of time (betwen 2 minutes and two hours). He can find it or not, it can take 5 minutes like 2 hours, while he can't play (or polute the forum); the only option he have is to abandon the search (then its ball is definitively lost).
Maybe he will find his ball (and, why not, an other one), maybe nothing (50% chance), maybe something else (0.5% chance). By this way, you could hand out very rare items: a broken putter, an out-of-date Level-Up Boost (which automatically move you to the previous Level), a dedicated driver (distance 220 but no wind influence), an haunted golf bag, etc. In short, inject some fun and some credits. ;)
No? Also you can reward this fantastic idea by giving me a decent iron set (the PING 2010 Rapture V2 Iron Set L48+ seems nice). :D