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Search this damn ball option

Fri, Mar 1 2013 11:53 PM (10 replies)
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  • Rodolphino
    17 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 4:40 PM

    More and more balls are lost (thank to you supposed VEM evil new configuration), and elites players are grumbling. So I had an idea:

    When a player lose his precious Adidas ball, he can choose to search it (as an option) at the end of the game. If he choose to search, he is stuck at a nice flash panel (you know well how to do that) for an indetermined period of time (betwen 2 minutes and two hours). He can find it or not, it can take 5 minutes like 2 hours, while he can't play (or polute the forum); the only option he have is to abandon the search (then its ball is definitively lost).

    Maybe he will find his ball (and, why not, an other one), maybe nothing (50% chance), maybe something else (0.5% chance). By this way, you could hand out very rare items: a broken putter, an out-of-date Level-Up Boost (which automatically move you to the previous Level), a dedicated driver (distance 220 but no wind influence), an haunted golf bag, etc. In short, inject some fun and some credits. ;)

    No? Also you can reward this fantastic idea by giving me a decent iron set (the PING 2010 Rapture V2 Iron Set L48+ seems nice). :D

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 10:47 PM

    This is Witchmaster speaking:

    Your wish for a random gift has been fulfilled!

    Please find in your inventory an almost undraggled set of SWING clubs, ready to use. Have fun and clean your hands after the round!

    At the same time you receive an "extra load" boost for your caddy with immediate impact: Due to exhaustion, the caddy will see the course through a haze now from hole 3 on, affecting the precision of his precious club selection abilities.

    Hit it str8 m8!

  • Rodolphino
    17 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 8:49 AM

    > Searching... Searching... Searching...
    > Item found!

    Nice, an XP boost potion! Gloup gloup gloup...

  • Alshorstop0101
    3 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 5:24 PM

    Hey Guys

    New to WGT,and I have question..

    I had purchased some upgraded balls (Max Meter Black vapor and WGT G13-3 Blue vapor) and I did hit one of the Max vapor's in the water, but I noticed when I did it said the ball I was using was the last...So I bought the WGT and today I saw a pop up saying that that was the last of the WTG's..So I know have only one of them..I bought 2 more packs of the Max's but was wondering why the balls keep disappearing from my bag out of the 3 max's I had, I only have 1 left and the same with the WGT blue but I never lost any of those.

    Is there a time limit on the balls?

    Thanx Al

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 9:09 AM

    Is there a time limit on the balls?
    It's a shot limit which is set between 90 and 120 approx. depending on the durability dots (see pro shop). (dunno about MAX balls, may have less shots(?))

    Putts on the greens are the only shots exempt AFAIK.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 11:28 AM

    Did they ever officially fix that bug that was counting putts as hits?
    I think Icon said so, and if not, we'd certainly have had a few threads on this subject.

  • forcefan
    279 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2013 1:10 PM

    Did they ever officially fix that bug that was counting putts as hits?

    Putts do not count as hits so far as ball durability is concerned. I recently confirmed this using a number of different brands of balls.


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