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Is WGT become a Rip-off?

Fri, Mar 15 2013 11:59 PM (111 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 12:26 PM


    When I started playing in June of 1011, the game was catering to me because I was new. The starter set of clubs did what they said they would for hitting distance and the free wgt balls actually stuck after putting full down spin on.

    When I got to Tour Pro level, the clubs and balls went inconsistent and nothing  worked so I did some surveys and bought Taylor Made Burner Irons and R9 Driver w/ R11 3  Wood. Also purchased  Callaway Balls.

    Wow , what a difference, hitting farther and stopping on the greens. Had a good game one day and finished 9 holes at Kiawah  -4. Boom, I was moved up to Master level and almost immediately my clubs and balls went wild and my average went from 66.88 to 75.99 in an hour. Wonder who was controlling that? 

    Found out that a Virtual Ethernet Module uses switching modules embedded in a VM( Virtual Module) and control plan software running in a VSM ( Virtual Switch Module).

    What all that means is WGT can put a control change on you the minute you log in. This VEM can be set to any perameter they chose such as "let this person have a few good holes using their own knowledge of the game. Secondly at a specific time the VEM will switch to control right  or left shots wild, shorter then usual putts on greens, short or long shots to the green and then run for ever even with full down backspin.

    WGT wants control of there game because they can weed out negative input and force players to buy better balls and clubs continually. That's one way they make money. The other is surveys. Interesting things about survey is , after you have answered all there survey, they tell you sorry you didn't qualify for the survey you just took. When you try to contact them, the contact doesn't work. If you do get to send them a contact, they will never respond back.

    This hole game is feeling the economic crush of today and it doesn't look any brighter if things continue the way their going.

    P.S. The Vem seems to only be out on those players who use WGT balls or still use WGT starter clubs in Master Level. Those who have spent a lot of money on equipment are not having to much trouble. If they are using the best clubs and balls money can buy they will not have problems related to a VEM placed on them. 

    This is aggravated harassment  to control for monetary reasons. They can do whatever they want, it's their program. We don't have to play if we don't want the aggravation. 

    My computer is set up to tell me when WGT is downloading info on my comp. and how much by % and kbs. Every game has to load some stuff but if you notice any strange reactions in you game, you will notice that is when they are loading the most info at anytime.

    They will tell you that is normal because graphics require a large amount of bytes to display but if you go to settings on your WGT window and click on the little file to open it. Then click and drag the amount of kbs to the left all the way then click ok and on the next window cilck "Never ask me again". This will turn off some of the controlling features. Try it and see if it works for you when things just don't  seem right. See ya.   

    Haven't read this but....If the others were anything to go by ...I probably saved myself somme time,.

    Edit : - and I did mean Somme time...


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 1:01 PM

    A Great Post GV, and a great attitude.

    Whilst I cannot purport to claim I am one of the better players of WGT (far from it) I have and still enjoy playing WGT as much as I did when I started playing.

    Yes VEM does exist but unless I am just lucky, the occurences and extent to which VEM affects players games is vastly exaggerated.

    Seems like every poor shot some people blame it on VEM rather than themselves. And most of these people are ALWAYS negative and never come up with constructive ideas and find it easier to complain in the forums rather than actually work on their game.

    I will take Pipe who as usual has complained in this thread for example.

    Pipe has no beef to grind about VEM, it is his own inability to master the game. Come on, after 1450 odd RR, level 90) something  (and still master) and poor stats this has nothing to do with any tweaks in the game. You cant tell me that VEM has caused his game to head South. it was there anyway.

    Par 3's, 4's and 5's are all over regulation, scrambling and putting stats, let alone his GIR stats are poor,  just do not back him up. And for amusement every post he makes is negative, never comes and asks, please help me, my game sucks, what can I do?

    Has VEM been tweaked and turned up? YES IMO it has and (and bear in mind - players have said for a long time that the game is too easy) can anyone blame WGT when we are still getting incredible scores turned out day in, day out by the best players. How can they do it? Their countless shots that have been practiced and mastered plus they are good enough to adapt and recover. Like a in real golf, the best players can recover from a poor shot (where there are also many variable elements that not even the best players and caddies can predict).

    I can accept a dinged shot going plus or minus 10 yards as this happens in real golf and as long as the pyhsics are realistic I will not complain. If a dinged shot shoots off on a right angle, then you have a legitimate claim.

    People complain its a rip off, but have never sunk a dime into the game, well hello???? I have been happy to pay for playing as IMO it is a cheap form of entertainment and ENJOYMENT (note the stress on that word, if you don't enjoy it, go elsewhere and whine about something else)

    Yes the game is designed to upgrade equipment, its a business for crying out loud, not a food bank.

    Finally yes there are faults in the game so try and be constructive. Here are the best seven steps to problem solving.

    1. Define and Identify the Problem
    2. Analyze the Problem
    3. Identify Possible Sollutions
    4. Select the Best Solutions
    5. Evaluate Solutions
    6. Develop an action plan
    7. Implement Solution


    We can go to step six, and suggest it, then hopefully WGT will do step 7. Just saying the game sucks does not cut it

  • EJW2011
    16 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 2:22 PM

    Love the "problem solving" steps - now, why can't the world's governments adhere to these principles? 

    Don't usually read these forums - this thread caught my attention...

    This game is free....use what your given and just enjoy it.

    Want better equipment then use credits and procure what you want!  But that is a choice one makes.  To complain about it after shows lack of good judgement. 

    Life is way too short to *** about playing a FREE game!




  • Ciorli
    1 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 6:19 PM

    i'm read ... hi and thank you

  • gdinc2010
    14 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 8:26 PM

    It's a game. The elephant in the room is why in the world would you invest money in an online game? Golf is a magnet for "Alpha Males", but this is just a game that pops up on your puter. Relax.

    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 3:45 AM

    What some people fail to realise is this:

    There are those of us who started this game with little or no VEM, and we excelled at the game for a time. We moved up tiers, so we needed better equipment to still be competitive at it. We duly obliged WGT in BUYING those clubs, balls etc to keep up at the top of the game. Considering that most of the clubs that came out later in the game where getting more and more expensive, then its safe to say we have SPENT a great deal of MONEY from our own pockets.

    Now if i want to buy this new driver, its going to cost me the best part of 30 bucks to get it. Think about it, 30 BUCKS. That is a lot of money to spend on a virtual golf club that will work properly for about 2 weeks, before the VEM takes hold of it again. Most of us have seen it happen, and it does, believe me.

    So the point im making is clear, we have spent real money on this game to stay competitive, only to be pushed back to mediocre status, despite having the best PAID for equipment.

    And before anyone asks, yes, i do spend my own money on gear. Surveys dont work, 7 miserable videos to watch for 1 view each day tells its own story. Unlike some folk who can do surveys and videos until they come out of their ears, i have no choice.

    I dont play RG's anymore, because you can bet your bottom dollar i will not come into the earnings on the board. Why? Because VEM will not allow me to do so. We even have some folk who where always saying this VEM stuff is all in our imaginations, and we where just no good at the game. But some of those folks are now seeing what we have been seeing for a long time now, and they dont like it. I stick by what ive said here, and nobody will change my mind.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 4:22 AM

    ow if i want to buy this new driver, its going to cost me the best part of 30 bucks to get it. Think about it, 30 BUCKS. That is a lot of money to spend on a virtual golf club that will work properly for about 2 weeks, before the VEM takes hold of it again. Most of us have seen it happen, and it does, believe me.

    Now i see this true with the new $5.50 SLOWER METER NIKES.  When they first came out I could see a noticeable difference in  meter speeds between the $4.50 & $5.50 balls.  Now, a few weeks in, the meter seems identical to what the $4.50 balls used to be, and who knows, maybe the $4.50 ones have been made a touch faster???  It might just be me, but I honestly believe when using say 3iron & $5.50 balls, the meter is just as fast as It used to be with other balls.  But can you really justify $1.83 for a virtual ball that lasts a round or 2 when the real thing is between $2 and $3 and lasts for as many rounds as possible.  

    And I see a lot of posts by people saying that VEM effects you more with starter clubs to make you go out and buy better equipment.  ITS NOT VEM ----  ITS THE STARTER EQUIPMENT.  You are going to have many a stray shot using starters because they have half or a dot of precision so ball could basically land any where on green compared to say a 4 yard precision circle when using R11's.  

    Vem will effect game If you are playing well, say I birdie all 9 holes on front, vem might kick in and make me struggle on back, or works the opposite, i might be struggling and missing ding and only par first few holes, then VEM gives me a helping hand and those missed ding shots start to land close, same with putting, break might not effect putt one round, yet same break same putt will turn ball at other times.  Love It or hate it, yes, it controlls part of our game where we would love to ALWAYS be in control, and rounds get decided by OUR MISTAKES ONLY, but frustrating as it is most of the time, IT effects EVERYONE exactly the same.  When you are -10 for a front 9 then on back 9 wind doesnt effect shots, or breaks on putts and like you're using starter clubs and only manage -2 or 3, you know YOU'VE BEEN VEMED.................Watch out he might be visiting you pretty soon.   But WGT are releasing a protect your round from VEM hat soon at $15 a round.  

    Example:  I entered $2 RSG ready go and although what i thought were perfect shots would land 5 yards short or not get effected by wind, and i would struggle and scored 60.  Next day same thing but this time i withdrew on hole #18 with 61.  Then yesterday, I'm playing the same, but land within 5 feet nearly every shot and if not for 3 x 5 footers going straight for cup instead of where i had aimed I would have scored 54.  same with Bethpage, withdraw yesterday , even a missed ding with 80 yard wedge by a fraction (as close as possible without actually hitting ding) and ball fly's 6 yards left!. But today i even missed ding on #3 by this much in straight wind {...........} and i land within 2 yards!! & I'm -11 after the 11th so far.  Forgiveness on clubs seems irrelevant  because every tournament seems to give you a different forgiveness rating.  Similar to real golf and the pro's, you wont get a perfect round every round we play. (yes it would be nice)No one wins same tournament over and over,  But this mixture is what keeps us always wanting more.  

    Oh by the way, this is where VEM or deviation or just the GOOD OLD BUG THAT NEEDS FIXING came into the round to instantly halt a good round.  We all know the one, the usual where you've aimed right to compensate wind, DINGED shot, but the shot gets taken as If you've either aimed at the pin (its default position) or like you've pressed early on wind side!!  You see, no matter how perfect you're playing, It will ALWAYS come down to a frustrating WTF WGT shot in the end.

     Shots like these are the ones that make me CONVINCED that there's "score limitation" in play.  And I doubt no one will ever change my mind

  • borntobesting
    9,683 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 4:35 AM


    ow if i want to buy this new driver, its going to cost me the best part of 30 bucks to get it. Think about it, 30 BUCKS. That is a lot of money to spend on a virtual golf club that will work properly for about 2 weeks, before the VEM takes hold of it again. Most of us have seen it happen, and it does, believe me.

    Now i see this true with the new $5.50 SLOWER METER NIKES.  When they first came out I could see a noticeable difference in  meter speeds between the $4.50 & $5.50 balls.  Now, a few weeks in, the meter seems identical to what the $4.50 balls used to be, and who knows, maybe the $4.50 ones have been made a touch faster???  It might just be me, but I honestly believe when using say 3iron & $5.50 balls, the meter is just as fast as It used to be with other balls.  But can you really justify $1.83 for a virtual ball that lasts a round or 2 when the real thing is between $2 and $3 and lasts for as many rounds as possible.  

    It is all about perception Chris. Try a couple of rounds with the free ball then go back to the Slow meter Nike and you will see the difference.

  • fourstarchef
    8 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 4:52 AM

    I guess, the best way to sum this up, is. If you want to spend real money to purchase clubs/balls/jammies, then do so without complaining. Keeping in mind that this is a Cartoon, and whereas it's fun, it's still nothing more than a cartoon. I've been beaten by hacks, and have beaten masters, all with my low-end clubs. The most realistic part of this site, is that the only thing you know for certain, is that you never know. This game is close to the real thing, and like the real game, you can have a bad round. Just be glad you didn't spend real money, on the greens fee, to crash and burn.

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 5:29 AM

    Point is "why is there a difference in meter speed", or just a marketing scheme. When I play real golf,I find if I try to speed up the swing, I hook the ball. Years ago my golfing instructor told me to have the same swing and let the club and ball do the work.

    We all know that wgt free balls work gr8 for beginners but not Masters who are a little slow on the  finger. But we also know that the free ball doesn't go as far as the Nike or Callaway. Those balls have a slower meter speed because wgt wants us to buy them.

    Today I played Congressional and found the greens were not "very fast"  more like slow, so I sent in a bug report and the very next green was running more tourney speed. My little WGT ball with no dot for distance was traveling a go 30 yrds more than it should have. Don't suggest it might have been the wind. We were on low wind conditions on practice mode.

    It's pretty obvious wgt can put that VEM on anyone the minute they come online to play. The first few holes will be your normal game. Then about the 4th tee, you will have a jittery meter causing you to miss the ding every so slightly and the ball will fly way off into a trap or mostly our favorite rough.

    Then tell me if I' m wrong but aren't you suppose to add the % of lie to your shot?  Well sometimes yes and sometimes no. Their again inconsistencies. 

    Come on WGT get it right and remove the VEM and everyone will be much happier.

    I get tired of having to come here and complain but I get more tired of looking bad to my opponents in a game. This are friends or new people I haven't met before. If I have to deal with malfunctioning meter and inconsistent shots that I know are simply wrong on purpose, I sound like a complainer. You say it is more like real golf and it levels the field in tournaments with all players, only the high level players effected by this VEM. Well thanks so much for playing my game instead of me controlling the shots. Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!