you need a clear plastic ruler and a 3 by 5 index card. Take a photo copy of the ruler. You cut about 3 inches of the ruler that is on the photocopy and tape it to the 3 inch side of the index card. Place the card with the ruler on the left of the perfect shot line,so just a 64th of an inch of the perfect shot line is showing. So when the green line is racing along the slot. when it disappears you know when to hit the button. It may take 3-4 times to get this down ,but eventually you should be getting perfct shots or very close to getting perfect shots. Hope this helps-rbdann
Maybe a picture of this in use would be great. I am to stupid to visualize what you are describing. Sounds like a nifty idea.
dont feel bad jack ....... ive read his post 100 times and have no idea how it should look
rb, will this tool stop my meter from zooming past the ding? If it will, then I am making one right now. I have never used a gauge of any size, shape or form, not even for putting. I'll give this a try out, will report back soon.
JackTaylor:Maybe a picture
If you don't play in full screen you could just buy the PutterPal for 10 hits and snip it then place it under your game client and above your task bar.
Here's my 'DING-aid' set up: a small colored card. It's movable - unlike the white offset scales to the left (upper scale is % power for use with all irons; lower multi-level scale is direct readout for various putter ranges.
More details on use in this post:
Here, I already have them made. You can download them for free. Current putters available are Daytona, Redwood, Nike, Max, Ghost & Spider. Other Available upon request....
also for free
You could just use
This works amazingly and instead of percentages it gives you the yard by yard breakdown for every club and putter.
Braidan1218: You could just use This works amazingly and instead of percentages it gives you the yard by yard breakdown for every club and putter.
it was great when it was invented but has not been updated in such a long time that with the new clubs it is extremely inaccurate.