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Backspin Question

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Wed, Mar 6 2013 8:08 AM (7 replies)
  • CMGryphonL
    684 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 9:49 AM

    Greetings to all....just started playing a little over a month ago (didn't realize I had an account from so long ago!) and recently moved to Master. A little too soon if you ask me because I'm still learning A LOT!!! Anyway, I have a decent grasp on wind, elevation, lie, etc...but I am having a difficult time figuring out the additional yardage associated with backspin. I have the R11's(L32) in my bag, and currently using the level 33 Callaway i(s) balls. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks, and have a great one....Gryph

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 2:59 PM


    Greetings to all....just started playing a little over a month ago (didn't realize I had an account from so long ago!) and recently moved to Master. A little too soon if you ask me because I'm still learning A LOT!!! Anyway, I have a decent grasp on wind, elevation, lie, etc...but I am having a difficult time figuring out the additional yardage associated with backspin. I have the R11's(L32) in my bag, and currently using the level 33 Callaway i(s) balls. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks, and have a great one....Gryph


    it's pretty hard to give exact answer. Best I can recommend is trial and error....

    for me, it's usually with full bs I add 1.2 yard to 1mph of head wind (I am using different clubs though)

    so if I have a 175 to the hole with 15 head, I hit 195 bs or so. All that depends though on many other factors.


  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 3:45 PM

    I just looked at your equipment and you have the same irons just lower level I have noticed to add 5yds to full back spin and subtract 5+ yds to no spin. (depends on wind) You should keep in mind that when you apply BS it will lift the ball higher so you will have to becarefull because it will be affected much more by the wind. And I see your wedges are the best IMO, but you do not need to spin it back at all maybe one dot if you want to be cute with the shot. Front spin will keep the ball lower and roll longer.(use your discretion on it). I have also noticed that you may use back spin but it will still bounce forward so you still need to expect roll out on some greens (practice) hope it helps

    Hit'em straight and Long, pjschaub

    I should interject that when useing flop,chip, or pitch I will put full BS on my wedges

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 3:21 AM


    I just looked at your equipment and you have the same irons just lower level I have noticed to add 5yds to full back spin and subtract 5+ yds to no spin. (depends on wind) 

    I assume that he has the same irons but with a different trajectory and that does make a difference. Most lower level irons show medium/high trajectory in the specs...Only top irons and the Darth Vader's level 45 irons have High trajectory.... even two with high trajectory and similar specs have differences so I guess it will be more so with yours and his. I am unable to provide advise though cause I don't even remember what it was like when I used the level 48 Raptures. Several rounds and trial and error... But I almost always used full bs with any irons.  


  • CMGryphonL
    684 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 6:17 AM

    Thanks everyone....too many errors in my trials! lol

    I'll figure it out eventually, but hopefully sooner than later because the extra distance from the master tees is killing me. Will probably end up having to get new clubs sooner, too....but the Max broke the bank (worth it IMO)!

    Thanks again, Gryph


    EDIT: Broke down and got the R11S driver (40+) driver!

  • petercooper1958
    705 Posts
    Tue, Mar 5 2013 8:22 PM

    Hi Gryph, the best advice I ever got about this game was keep a note book. There is too much to remember so take notes and it will soon become obvious how much to add for backspin. I'm now in the process of dialling in new irons and brand new driver and 3 wood. It takes a while but eventually you won't even think about it.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:24 AM

    Hi, this will sound a bit Gary Playeresque, but a good tip I got a long time ago was to play a round without using spin at all.

    Once u have done that then u can start adjusting for spin, both top  and back..

    What is also true is that if u put spin on the ball then the wind will affect it more - not just in trajectory, but also in direction if a sidewind..

  • CMGryphonL
    684 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 8:08 AM

    Been taking notes after reading through the forums and saw how many do. Guess I will have to be a little more thorough! Thanks, peter......

    And I think that's a great idea, oneeyed....never would have thought of doing that actually, but makes a lot of sense.

    Thanks again everyone for all the's making a difference!!!  Have a great one!