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Avg should move at all times.

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Wed, Mar 6 2013 5:22 PM (18 replies)
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  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 10:15 AM

    Hello I think your Average should always be moving up and down or staying steady.Cause once you get to a certain Avg you could shoot a +10 and your Average stays the same.I dunno think it would be more realistic if it moved all the time then see who the real masters or legends are.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 10:22 AM

    The sandbaggers would run the AVG up and take atvantage of it .


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:13 AM


    The sandbaggers would run the AVG up and take atvantage of it .


    Exactly. The new anti sandbagging rules have worked (sadly some genuine social players have been affected) but this would make the system far to easy to manipulate.

    Also it is not really an average, just your best counting scores from that tier. It is not to be confused with a handicap.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:26 AM

    The sandbaggers would run the AVG up and take atvantage of it .

    Not if it only applied to the Legend and Tour Legend tiers. I would very much like to see it there. :-)

  • extrucker2007
    6 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 11:30 AM

    I am not too concerned with the average, but I am currently at level 89, to get to level 90 I need another 56000 points, question 1) why so big a jump from 89 to 90, and 2) what are the benefits of reaching a higher level, I already have access to whatever clubs and balls I wish to buy, so other than bragging rights, I fail to see why wgt bothers with levels after all the items are available at lower levels.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 12:04 PM


    The sandbaggers would run the AVG up and take atvantage of it .

    Not if it only applied to the Legend and Tour Legend tiers. I would very much like to see it there. :-)

    Have to disagree with you here Jim. Many of the Legends and Tour Legends would go back to only posting their good rounds again. Especially the legends who are afraid to make Tour Legend. And the quitting in multi- player rounds which is bad enough now would get even worse.This system may not be perfect but it works fairly well.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 12:09 PM

    Now why would a Tour Master shoot a +10. Just wondering.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 12:12 PM

    only applied to the Legend and Tour Legend

    Tour Legend I could see , But with respect Mr Jim I think we both know there are some shady Legends (  old and new ) that would use it .


  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 12:30 PM


    Now why would a Tour Master shoot a +10. Just wondering.

    I sure did im far from perfect O wait it was a +7.I wish i could be like those guys that win the Trips and tourneys with a score of 56.But im not

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2013 1:29 PM

    Tour Legend I could see , But with respect Mr Jim I think we both know there are some shady Legends (  old and new ) that would use it .

    To what end? As it is, the only difference between Legends and TLs is the green speed so tanking rounds to protect the average is strictly an ego thing, much like many under 60  average Legends now  that can't make the approach shots or handle true Legend speed greens and are woefully obvious.

     As for "being afraid", Sting, afraid of what? Faster, truer greens? And if those Legends want to stay Legends, let them go through the bother. Again, why? RGs? Legend only stuff? Even the worst TL (if there is such a thing) didn't get there by anything other than shooting the scores and I doubt is afraid of mixing it up with a Legend.

    Sandbagging at the Legend level serves absolutely no purpose, IMO.

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