opyeuclid:Tour Legend I could see , But with respect Mr Jim I think we both know there are some shady Legends ( old and new ) that would use it .
To what end? As it is, the only difference between Legends and TLs is the green speed so tanking rounds to protect the average is strictly an ego thing, much like many under 60 average Legends now that can't make the approach shots or handle true Legend speed greens and are woefully obvious.
As for "being afraid", Sting, afraid of what? Faster, truer greens? And if those Legends want to stay Legends, let them go through the bother. Again, why? RGs? Legend only stuff? Even the worst TL (if there is such a thing) didn't get there by anything other than shooting the scores and I doubt is afraid of mixing it up with a Legend.
Sandbagging at the Legend level serves absolutely no purpose, IMO.