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Thu, Jul 8 2010 6:14 AM (1 replies)
  • Trackterror03
    105 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 5:55 AM

    Hi All,

    Just curious, and maybe this has been brought up before, but how would it be to have access to emotioncons during game play? Instead of typing in the chat window, i.e. NB, VNS, GP, etc., you can single click an emotioncon. You can have maybe like 9 to choose from. My suggestions are a thumbs up for a great shot, one for unlucky shots & misses, one for good fellowship (like the 2 together raising a beer), one for when you want to express frustration at your shot you may have missed, and so on.

    The icon or link for the emotioncons can be conveniently located under the chat box or perhaps on the bottom of the screen somewhere. I think it would same some time during game play and make it easier on non-English speaking players.

    I would definitely like to hear some feedback on this, especially from Niv, Yankee Jim, Snaike, Sweetie Pie, and if convenient, Mr. Faterson.

    Thanks All!!!


  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 6:14 AM

    I like the idea, however, it's a "nice to have" not a "needed now" type of request so I think it'll have to wait a while.