when will we be able to play with other players in a tourney?
i just hate playing alone WHAA WHAA
Hi Hank,
We'd like to add a multiplayer tourney feature in the future. That's a pretty big change at the moment since tournaments were initially written for solo competition, so it will take some time to work out the details. Thanks for the suggestion. =)
And multiplayer ctth..
and ryder cup stuff for interclub challenges
now now , will you tell me how do you play ? cause i'm trying to play alone , to practice a bit , since i'm a newbie , and i can't play . reply plz
Hi brandao, just click on the huge play now button on the top left of your screen, another window opens. There you can choose Stroke (on the left again) and then, on the right, choose the amount of holes, course etc. Enjoy.
danohi50: And multiplayer ctth.. and ryder cup stuff for interclub challenges
Multiplayer ctth?? , Damn what a concept!! Its called BLITZ !
Six....... check the date on the thread........... sorry mate.. ;)
well he got what he wanted lol
Soulcatcher: Six....... check the date on the thread........... sorry mate.. ;)
I would like it if blitz could encompass/incorporate the weekly CTTH's nice idea.