Played with no spin or a slight amount of top spin and the Cleveland wedges can not be touched. And around the green they are much more consistent than the ATV's. When chipping and pitching with the 64 degree Cleveland it is so consistent that I expect to hole it out and do many many times. By using punch and flop you can cover a wide range of yardages. Actually I found the ATV's not to even be as good as the Z-Satins that they replaced.
To tell you just how well the Cleveland 64 degree works around the greens. A few weeks ago I played in a CC tourney and was way off on my approaches that night and missed 8 out of 18 greens and my putting was off as well. But I holed out 4 chips and pitches for birdies and 1 flop for a par. Even though I played very poorly tee to green that night I still shot a -4 66. I don't think I could have done that with the AVT's as they just aren't as consistent.
That being said, I never liked the 56 degree Cleveland and use either the 54 degree 105 yard Ping W or the 54 degree 110 yard Z-Satin as my 3rd wedge. This is a bit strange as my favorite wedge in my real bag is an old Cleveland 56 degree.