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And the fleecing continues...

Wed, Mar 6 2013 4:28 PM (56 replies)
  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 6:23 AM

    He will never make TL as soon as he hits Legend his other account is fully equipped and warmed up, and ready to go so to speak, equipment will be sold and credits dumped and gifted.

    WGT has to follow the money, and shut them down, unless this hurts the wallet, this will not only continue, more and more people will follow that trend. New account, Par 3 skins Par 3 skins par 3 skins, level up RG's, Legend sell off, start again. Rinse and repeat.

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 6:45 AM

    WGT only cares about the money. Did you know they have a copyright on the use of a VEM? You remember when all the new changes took place. We were told right here on this forum that the greens would be different to be more like the real game. That was suppose to level the playing field so that Pros' and Tour Pros could compete with Masters and above and have a chance to win credits. But it was a side step to not tell us that with the VEM (Virtual Ethernet Module) they can control each player to change their response from any shot. If you don't believe it, remember that every shot you take is controlled where it's going to land and how far it will roll.

    Tell me WGT doesn't have the ability to cause issues with everything. They will deny it but it is documented in the copyright laws.

    We all know that better clubs and balls will produce slower swing meter and  possible, lower scores then the starter set. But the new people are not effected by this VEM because WGT wants them to come up in levels and bye , bye , bye but if they don't  spend money, here comes the VEM  when they come online to play.

    It's a marketing tool to create more revenue while aggrevatting and humiliating players in front of lower tier players making them think your just having a bad day. I love this game but I don't love what's happened to it. 

    With 3500 new people a month starting who don't know what they're in store for, WGT does not have to care about a few players who have purchased all their equipment through surveys, for which they receive money for advertising. Lately I have not been able to get a survey to allow me in. Guess someone told me them to cut me off.

    Strange how a person who was one of the first WGT Nation invites before I was a Master level and made the suggestion to lower the wait time when someone leaves the game from 5 minutes to 2 minutes. They made it 2 1/2 minutes. I am so tired of having to come to this forum and complain but I am so unhappy with the control for monetary reasons.Obviously who ever made the decision to use a VEM was only thinking of the short term and not the long haul.

    If it continues, I can bet you will loose more then you take in every month. Not a real good business model Mr. Cheng. You don't make people mad, you make people happy and they will support you. So good luck!!!!!!! 

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 7:01 AM

    it seems simple to me guys , get better or quit gambling ! rules and laws only govern the honest and there are cheats and thieves in every walk and cross section of life !!!

    WGT don't care , sandbagging and multi-accounts mean more rake , more equipment , more balls and the bottom line more money for WGT ... here's a thought , instead of taking time to find out who you thinks cheating , use that time to figure out how to get better ...

  • Tyrones
    95 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 8:21 AM

    Cheating is wrong. The people that cheat do not care. If you know people are taking advantage of the system and still chose to sacrifice your credits, that decision and following result is on you.


    If one wants to play for credits and with honor, set up a match through your CC or through your friends list. Or play WGT for fun and experience.



  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 9:15 AM


    it seems simple to me guys , get better or quit gambling ! rules and laws only govern the honest and there are cheats and thieves in every walk and cross section of life !!!

    WGT don't care , sandbagging and multi-accounts mean more rake , more equipment , more balls and the bottom line more money for WGT ... here's a thought , instead of taking time to find out who you thinks cheating , use that time to figure out how to get better ...

    you may be the short term life of wgt's bottom line.  long term, this will hurt them beyond what any rake of credits that were never purchased in the first place.

    think about it.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 9:51 AM

    Hey guys,.

    Sorry for lack of replies. Past weekend, the server/IT was physically moved, so the actual tools were offline.

    As of last night, it's back online, so I will make sure to check into this issue this week.


  • mohaviegreen
    404 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 11:46 AM

    I think I played one of those fella's the other day. After he birdied first hole, he stated,"I expect to be at least 6 under". Well, he wasn't. He ended up at 7 under. It was a match play challenge, he was playing as a master. I'm a new Legend. Took a long time time for me to get there. Never thought about ways to cheat. I made it on my own abilities. However after reading this forum, do I really want to continue to play here at WGT? Not sure now, knowing i can be ripped off at anytime. I have friends i play, but i also have alot of people who have excepted friend invites and have sent me friend invites. Should i be worried of them? I made my choices here on WGT and have been ripped off a couple times. I feel if people are caught cheating, they should be banned, or there maybe be a forum where these cheaters can be posted and we honest players can check on who we are about to play. Also i don't believe anyone should be able to buy anything outside their levels. C'mon WGT , give us a hand. We honest players want to keep this site honest. Remember WGT, this sight also reflects on the sportsmanship,integrity, honor, edicate of the game of Golf. This should not be just another gambling sight.    thanks mohaviegreen

  • Braidan1218
    101 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 11:57 AM


    ... there maybe be a forum where these cheaters can be posted and we honest players can check on who we are about to play. ...    thanks mohaviegreen

    I think this would be a tremendous help to just have a pinned forum where we can post who we believe to be dishonest and then people can make up their own minds as to whether or not to play them.

    Heck we can rate equipment, why can't we rate players?

    Imagine if before starting a match you could read what other players who had played someone thought of them.  Might be the best way to keep people honest if they had to worry about the next person accepting a match.  Personally I have nothing to fear about what comments would be said about me.

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:06 PM


    WGT don't care , sandbagging and multi-accounts mean more rake , more equipment , more balls and the bottom line more money for WGT ... here's a thought , instead of taking time to find out who you thinks cheating , use that time to figure out how to get better ...

    UNCLE !!!!

    to whom it may concern , please accept my apologies for that post !!!

    the last two games since, i have seen every bad thing that i have read about in the forums . the most WFT shots , metered and lip putts than i have seen in the year and a half i've been playing . posted the +6  41 at BPB for proof . it was hard to swallow but i took my medicine . so if you could please turn off the bad VEM ...

    again my apologies ...


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:09 PM

    I think this would be a tremendous help to just have a pinned forum where we can post who we believe to be dishonest

    Do you know that you are advocating cybermobbing?