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credits to finish rounds

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:49 PM (6 replies)
  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 11:04 AM

               how about  5 credits  for every ranked multi player round finished,  that would inspire some to finsh.  and how about splitting the credits from the quitters amongst the finishers.

    just a thought


  • akkid
    61 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 11:05 AM

    awesome idea, would cut back on quitters

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 11:22 AM

    How about this idea. Don't pick-up, or arrange random multi-player matches with members you don't know. Play with your friends that you know won't quit. Now these are good ideas.

    People who have used these methods in the past, have actually decreased their blood pressure, and had more fun than they could handle.  : )


  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 12:58 PM

    how bout   when I can't  find someone that I think wont quit on me?   How  bout we do something to entice people that DO quit   to not.  It  is much more convenient to play on the fly    ,  when I have time,   not  some prearanged  4 some like in real  life.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 2:52 PM

    Hey Wiz, you have 234 friends. I know there's at least four of your friends who won't quit. You can also join the "The Ladders" or "Golfseeker" too.

    It's just not practical at this time for WGT to tackle the quitting issue. The measures I laid-out along with other countless ideas from other members are the only thing we can do to solve the quitting issue at this point in time.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2010 5:17 PM

    other countless ideas
    Hate to break it ya  but  there are  far less the Countless ways around the problem.  And  just because I dont turn down friend requests  does not mean there are 4 at any given time ready to play in a 4some. As a matter of fact out of my 234 "friends" there are only 6 available at this very moment! And  I am betting they are all not just sitting there waiting for an invite.  The  real point is this is a busy world and when someone has the time to enjoy this game  it is nice to be able to just jump into a game and  play when you have that chance.  Mine was just one  suggestion there are  "countless" others that WGT in all their wisdom  could  employ to lessen the problem of quitters.


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, Jul 9 2010 12:49 PM

    You're both right.  While there are ways to cut down on the number of people who quit, it is also impractical most of the time.

    So we have to deal with it and them.

    Although, I am warming to the idea of an incentive program to finish the round, as the OP has suggested.