I would prefer if WGT would no try to tell me which putter scale works best for my next putt and is always at the lowest scale automatically.
Consider a 26ft putt, maybe 2 inches downhill. My experience tells me thats roughly 18ft on a tournament green, I hit ~75% on my 25ft spider putter scale and the ball rolls and rolls and rolls AND rolls about 25 ft longer than I wanted it to. Well what happened is that WGT chose the 50 ft scale automatically and I didn't notice it.
Sounds familiar?
My proposal would be for WGT always to choose the lowest putter scale, in my case 25ft, so you only have to adjust this scale when you need more than that!
Maybe it is just my "bad" putter, which starts with a 25ft scale and players with better putters are more used to switching between 10 and 20ft scales.
I know WGT only wants to "help" players with this "automatical selection"feature, but selecting the 50ft scale for the above-mentioned 26ft putt on a tournament green is not helping, but only a cause for unwanted errors.