I often use the bigger scales for shorter putts. For example, the 100 foot scale for something in the 10-15 foot range. Why? Using less power, it's easier to nail the ding as the meter does not pick up as much speed on it's way back.
Same here.
I used Putter Pal for a while, then made myself a Putter Pal hardcopy I taped to my computer display, then I got WGT Caddy.
For a 10 foot putt I use the 100 foot scale and a 10% stroke length.
For a 15 foot putt I use the 150 foot scale and a 10% stroke length.
I adjust the stroke length according to the green speed.
For Tournament speed greens is usually use a factor of 1.2, and further adjust for uphill and downhill slope. So using the 100 foot scale for a flat 10 foot putt I reduce the stroke length to 8.33% of a full stroke, which putts the ball 10 feet.
Using the 100 foot scale for a 15 foot putt on tournament speed greens I use a stroke length of 12.5% of a full stroke to putt 15 feet..
Whenever possible, which is 99.9% of the time, I choose a scale that lets me use less than 20% of a full putting stroke, and mostly I use a 15% or less stroke length.
A 20% stroke length on the 300 foot scale puts me in the 60 foot putt range. Beyond 60 feet on a green, I usually use a wedge instead of the putter and fly the ball over the a majority of the green break.