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level up boosts

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Sat, Mar 9 2013 11:13 PM (5 replies)
  • youngsteezy
    23 Posts
    Thu, Mar 7 2013 5:15 PM

    Hi I am a L89 legend and have been at 89 for what seems like a year. I don't have the opportunity to play everyday so leveling up takes forever for me. I love playing this game and want the best gear available but it takes so long to level up. I would like to see the level up boosts to go up to level 100 at an increased price obviously, I would pay 1000 credits to get from lvl 89 to 90 so I can finally get r11 irons. Also levels past 90 could be like 1500 credits per level or whatever wgt thinks is necessary. I for one would be happy to pay this much to get to higher levels to get better equipment. This is something wgt should consider as I'm sure there are a lot of other players that would also pay for this. I'm sure a lot of higher level players would think of this as a cheat, like it wasn't earned and I can understand why they would feel that way as they earned the level they are at. It is just depressing to see this new R1 driver out that unlocks at level 98 which would literally take me probably a year or more to get to that level to purchase it, please wgt make this happen.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 1:05 AM

    Is 5 daily minutes access to WGT impossible for you?

    If not, play a single hole through the "community - courses" tab to save the CDP bonus. This will take you to lvl 90 @487,000 XPs and the R11 irons in no time.

    OTOH, I'm curious why you are so eager to spend so many credits for the allowance to spend more credits on the R1(?)

  • youngsteezy
    23 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 2:46 PM


    Is 5 daily minutes access to WGT impossible for you?

    If not, play a single hole through the "community - courses" tab to save the CDP bonus. This will take you to lvl 90 @487,000 XPs and the R11 irons in no time.

    OTOH, I'm curious why you are so eager to spend so many credits for the allowance to spend more credits on the R1(?)

    Just an idea. This would be convenient for players like me that don't get to play everyday i.e. a job, a wife/husband, children, friends, a life etc... you know things like that and yes sometimes 5 daily minutes is impossible, crazy right. I thought it was a decent idea, I didn't say I was going to spend that many credits to get from 89 to 98 just to buy the R1 driver. I just think it would be good to have, say your at L93 and want the R11s driver which is at L94 or at 97 and want the new R1 driver it would just be convenient, thanks for your advise/2cents anyway.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 3:48 PM

    It doesn't even take 5 minutes. You can play 1 hole from the community page in less than 2 minutes.But it would be nice if WGT ran a special weekend like they did about a year and a half ago. All weekend we got double XP points. Think about it WGT. No it wouldn't really help me as I am already at level 98 but it would help some of the lower level Legends and Tour Legends

  • youngsteezy
    23 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 11:06 PM


    It doesn't even take 5 minutes. You can play 1 hole from the community page in less than 2 minutes.But it would be nice if WGT ran a special weekend like they did about a year and a half ago. All weekend we got double XP points. Think about it WGT. No it wouldn't really help me as I am already at level 98 but it would help some of the lower level Legends and Tour Legends

    that would be great if they could do dbl xp weekends every weekend, great idea.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 11:13 PM

    Double XP weekend would be a nice touch............