We will start shortly a MP tournament featuring :
CC owner ---> RachMorgan
The above CC was created on the same day as the following :
CC owner ---> carolineRobert
Here are the details for this event :
Location ---> Kiawah front 9
Mode ---> scored
Conditions ---> default
Timer ---> set at 90 secondes
Time frame to complete the match ---> to be confirmed
Once the tournament begins , it will be the responsability of players to come here on this thread to post their final result like 3 & 2 or 2 & 1 ...which means (for anyone who doesn't know) 3UP and 2 holes to go. The results will be posted in a chart to make it easier for all to see and follow this event. If i don't have the final score , i will simply write a ''W'' for a win and a ''L'' for a lost.
Also , it will be the responsability of players to contact each other and agree on the time and date for their match. I suggest you guys send a friend invite to your opponent. The official list will be up soon (Saturday).