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Am i going mad or are the slow meter balls not slow anymore?

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Fri, Mar 15 2013 8:37 PM (16 replies)
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  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 3:46 PM

    I fell into the trap of trying the slow meter balls to try to hold back an eratic meter and for a bit all was good. Went from Call iz to Nike lv71 to slow meter Call iz.

    The jump to Nikes slowed the meter down for a day of so, then the new Nikes came out and they got faster. So i thought i'd go to the slow Calls, good for a day then sped up again and now they either fly past the ding or stop 10mm before the marker. Scores gone to hell and it's not fun.

    Tried switching between normal Calls and the slow meter ones but the big difference between the speeds has gone, i just can't get that nice smooth, slow meter back :(

    Is it just me or is something a bit wrong? Done the usual clear everything, blah, blah, but it's still the same. Help!!!!

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 4:06 PM

    browser and what else you have open makes a diff,but to fair generally your meter should be slower,i get the same and blame wgt f oo kin about with me

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 10:10 PM

    Try a couple of rounds with the free balls. I think it's just a matter of what you get used to.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 11:58 PM

    There is a lot of talk about meters on this site.  Almost always I don't think any erratic behaviour is down to WGT balls or otherwise.  WGT gives a list of requirements and browsers it supports:


    I had issues a good while back with my meter and could not work it out for a while.  Turned out it was my one and hardly ever an issue.  If a lot of people are connecting through WIFI to the same router I am old this can cause issues to, but that's not something to do with WGT obvioulsy.


    Good luck...........if any of this helps great!

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 6:43 AM

    Thanks for the replies guys, I'll be honest it was more of a rant than expecting WGT to come on the thread and confirm what i was saying to be honest, lol

    The browser and background stuff i'm cool with, like everyone i've had intermittent meter problems over the years but it's gone to hell since they introduced this 15 second holding meter thing. The meter has just never been right since.

    So that's why i went to the slower balls, just to try to get some consistency back. Sadly it's done the complete opposite and last night was just a joke.

    Yes, very true to a post above, it's what you get used to. Maybe that's it or maybe my computer just can't handle the slower balls meter for some reason? At nearly double the cost of the Calls that worked it's an expensive trial though.

    Back to the drawing board :(

  • jayheels
    148 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 7:34 AM

    Just my own opinion but for me if you have meter problems a slower ball is worse.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 8:21 AM

    Yes, I'd agree with that Jay. I've got some lower level RZN's to try, but I'm not hopefull.

    Saying that, the slow meter Calls are not as bad a meter for me as the lvl71 Nikes were, they were just a terrible meter. 

    This is what is pissing me off a bit, I'm not going to spend loads of money trying different balls as there's no guarantee it'll be a 'better' ball. Sure it might perform better on the rare dinged shots, but it's no good if i'm getting metered left and right all the time.

    All of a sudden the game has become a chore and it's frustrating the hell out of me.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 8:47 AM

    Bit of back to back testing on random 3 at Olympic -

    Normal iz Calls, smooth but fast meter. Very consistent.

    Slow meter iz Calls, yes a slower meter but not smooth at all. Very choppy and prone to slowing down instead of sweeping towards the ding resulting in almost every shot early clicked. Also, possibly linked was increased computer/processor activity while using this ball, a lot of talking between the game and my computer??

    lvl 61 RZN, better than the slow Calls, but a floaty meter. Drops down in steps and not great for confidence. Not as much computer activity with this ball.

    Both slow meter balls are a joy to use on the slow meter clubs (my wedges and putter) but driver and 3 wood are choppy, irons even worse.

    Concussion? No confidence in anything now, no idea what to use and total guess work as to where the meter is going to stop. I was quite content with how the game played until recently, it's now been turned on it's head.

    All this to try to keep up with the Nike boys, wish i hadn't bothered now :(

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 8:51 AM

    One simple question. Are you clearing your cache every time after changing balls. If not there might be your problem.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 8:53 AM


    One simple question. Are you clearing your cache every time after changing balls. If not there might be your problem.

    Not for my little test, but i have previously. Does it need doing every time you equip? 

    edit - are we talking both browser and flash cache here also? 

    further edit - kept the RZN equiped, cleared browser and flash cache and being honest it does seem to have made the ball meter different.

    Sadly only in so much as it's now exactly the same choppy meter as the slow Call. The only difference being it doesn't stop like the Calls for an early click, it has a little rush before the ding to skip on so the shot goes right.

    How to ruin your game in less than 2 weeks. Not the best title for a book, lol


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