Bit of back to back testing on random 3 at Olympic -
Normal iz Calls, smooth but fast meter. Very consistent.
Slow meter iz Calls, yes a slower meter but not smooth at all. Very choppy and prone to slowing down instead of sweeping towards the ding resulting in almost every shot early clicked. Also, possibly linked was increased computer/processor activity while using this ball, a lot of talking between the game and my computer??
lvl 61 RZN, better than the slow Calls, but a floaty meter. Drops down in steps and not great for confidence. Not as much computer activity with this ball.
Both slow meter balls are a joy to use on the slow meter clubs (my wedges and putter) but driver and 3 wood are choppy, irons even worse.
Concussion? No confidence in anything now, no idea what to use and total guess work as to where the meter is going to stop. I was quite content with how the game played until recently, it's now been turned on it's head.
All this to try to keep up with the Nike boys, wish i hadn't bothered now :(