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Fri, Mar 8 2013 6:35 PM (4 replies)
  • dryspot
    767 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 5:31 PM

    Hey every 1 i got a question and i hope some 1 can help.

    I just made legend last week and my question is when i start 2 putt.

    I go into chip view and i move my target around but what am i suppose 2 look 4.

    I mean maybe a change of color or what  any help would be appreicated  thanks.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 5:36 PM

    Well you obviously have the little balls rolling at varying speeds to  show you break, not that they always help..  On the grid if you have black sqaures it typically means you have a flat surface.  if the grid changes from black to blue it generally means you are going uphill and if it changes from black to red it means it going downhill.  There are varying shades of red and blue for  varying degrees of down and up slopes as well as the box telling you that you are so many inches up hill or downhill.

    Just search putting or putting tips. I think SGTBilko and some others have some threads with some amazing info in regards to putting. As well as making some friends with some peeps here and playing some rounds to get some pointers

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 6:11 PM

       Some grids will change between the two views, (putting v chip) may show two different breaks. It is up to you too determine which if either is giving the correct line to the hole. The cartoon courses almost always show a different path to the hole when using the two grids. The other's vary to a certain degree also but not as bad IMO.

       Most holes never really show the true break anyway so it is a necessary to learn all of the greens by memory. You can only experiment with the two options and use them to your advantage. Like anything else here it takes time and practice to learn this method. It does work if you know what to look for and how to use it. Good luck and have fun!  ;)

  • dryspot
    767 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 6:26 PM

    Yes i know about the color changes but when i go to reverse view

    and move my target  left or right i move it against the break. then i go back 2 front view.

    and hit my putt the ball just go's the opposite way. But thx guys 4 your help have fun.

  • looselugnutz
    1,593 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 6:35 PM

    I may be wrong, dry, but as I undestand it using the chipping view allows you to see the true break of each square.  The break of each square is measured in the middle of the square, not either side, so using the chipping view allows you to move the aimer around to see the middle.  If I have questions when seeing differing breaks along the grid lines I'll revert to the chipping view to sort it out.  Works for me that way, anyway.

    As for the reverse or front view, I never stroke a putt from the normal view.  I always line up my putt from the reverse, then stroke it from the same.

    Happy golfing to you, dry.  Good luck.
