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For those of you Tiger Woods Fans

rated by 0 users
Tue, May 21 2013 8:31 PM (19 replies)
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  • gk21al
    199 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 9:24 AM

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 2:16 PM

    I watched the entire 6:51 of this. Like any major sports star, he made his mistakes. Can't take his ability, or what he has done away. Golf is a game of skill, he has put in the time since a little kid. I am not defending his indiscretions, but I will applaud his talent. Wouldn't we all love to be in his shoes just one time. Or his income bracket. LOL.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 3:12 PM

    I watched the entire 6:51 of this. Like any many major sports star, he made his mistakes. Can't take his ability, or what he has done away.

    I fixed it for you above Renn.  Jack Nicklaus comes to mind as one major sports star I can't remember having a single career or life blemish.  The reason Jack came to mind is the following short video I just got from a friend who is a Nam veteran.  Take a look....


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 3:42 PM

    Now that is what I'm talking about. Awesome Andy. that's our boys.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2013 4:56 PM

    Now that is what I'm talking about.

    Exactly.  I figured you'd like it.

  • Macduff10
    370 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 5:22 AM

    Andy, great video.  Am not a Vet, but there ought to be courses like this in every town.

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 8:28 AM

    He is the best golfer who has ever lived, and will remain so for a very long time. His indiscretions are irrelevant. Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone.



  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 8:33 AM

    those who don't like him wouldn't like him if he "walked on water", those who respect his talent, and his comeback, will continue to do so. I think he's made some "dumb" decisions in the last few years-----but who hasn't??

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 9:29 AM

    'For those about to rock,,,FIRE!, WE Salute You!#@  FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK<

    FIRE!!!!!!!!!! (450 yrd. drive) we salute you,,,,,,,,FIRE,,,,,FIRE,,,,We salute you,,,,,

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 2:00 PM

    Every body wants to bad mouth Tiger over his personal and private life. The only difference between Tiger and others , is that we know about his faults .We love to bad mouth atheletes and celebrities for not living up to the same standards that , we dont live up too. So before you go there , think about all the dirt that you get away with, and have yet to pay for. Happy Swinging

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