How can I set a left handed player in my profile, please?
it is not available right now. sorry.
Could you expand on that?
"It's not going to happen"
"It's being developed"
"It's planned but not just yet"
Something? Anything?
WGTicon: hi it is not available right now. sorry. -wgticon
So it will be available in future?
It's a simple matter to make a left-handed player but, according to an earlier thread, WGT hasn't any programmers that actually recognize that.
bubbadork: It's a simple matter to make a left-handed player but, according to an earlier thread, WGT hasn't any programmers that actually recognize that.
This is not true. There's considerably more to putting a left handed player in the game than just turning the avatar around.
never going to happen its not needed
I don't have any news to share, so can't really expand my answer than what I stated.
most realistic game in golf and were all right handed lol.
Being a lefty golfer myself, I would immediately switch, but not if the meter switched as well.
Just wish I could get the r1 driver, then my RL and online would match perfectly, accept I do not see myself being draped in the Canadian flag for RLG.